Top Ten Interconnects of all time...

A tip of the hat to FERRARI...(and to those great auto's!). I have enjoyed the "Top Ten" threads...So,.. What is you favorite Interconnect cables of all time? I will start this off with the following candidates...Wireworld Gold Eclipse III, Cardas Golden Reference, Nirvana S-L and S-X, Nordost Quattrofil..and the rest is up to you.
FIM GOLD, Coincident, and Kimber Select "Black Pearl". The KS "BP" is a bit more system dependent because of the tendency to move the center image further back behind the plane of the speakers, but it's unsurpassed in certain areas. The Coincident is great (after a rather long burn-in)especially considering the cost, and the FIM Gold (though stiff)is amazing. Just my .02
My home brew-silver-copper-teflon-wbt(knock off)-braided design. I can make a great pair of interconnects for $30 that will please me as much as $500(+). Those that pay more for name brands (in many cases) are paying much more than they need to.
I agree with Leafs about the Coincident. I absolutely love mine. The best copper cable I have come across. Would like to compare it to the Kimber Select copper IC. This Kimber is also suprisingly affordable. Just because a cable doesn't cost $2000, doesn't preclude it from being the best.
i suggested the Coincident IC 5 months ago and now that this cable is fullu broken in +500 hours it is up there with the best.My previous favorite was Wireworld Eclipse Gold III and the Coincident are every bit as good.My least favorite is the Quattro Fil.This cable just does not do it.I had it with the Wireworld,Audioquest Opal and JPS Supperconductor on nite with a bunch of people and it was consistently the least favorite of all.The Coincident bettered them all.At 299.00 its a steal.
Magnan Vi is the best I've heard. I don't have the most extensive experience with cables, I tend not to change monthly like alot of people. But these are by far the best I've lived with.
BUT.... integrated amps with pre out/main in jacks respond and benefit to IC's in EXACTLY the same way as separates do.IME, if you've an integrated with pre-main jacks, you should use the feature since components using bridging straps will be more prone to RFI pollution than from using a shielded IC.
No interconnect at all is the best interconnect. Integrated amps dispense with these fancy, but ultimately necessary, tone controls called "interconnects."
Straightwire Serenade. (used to be Jr, Cresendo, during the development phase) I got the Jr.crsecendo from my dealer for use between pre-amp and amp. BEST COMPONET IN MY SYSTEM. Brings out the best from my Dunlavy-Vs and Classe-CA-400. The trick is to have right cable (not necessarily same, from CD to pre-amp, )in my case MIT Proline.
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Jla, David...Please elucidate your perceived differences between the HT and the Nordost. I'm contemplating replacing my Red Dawn with something equally detailed but less lean, and am considering HT or Siltech G3 (available locally).
Thanks. Ernie
Straightwire Crescendo for 2 channel. Seranade & crescendo for theatre...impecable. Misty Crystal Revelations "Aquarious"
Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway MK2 I've had mine for a year now and it has improved my system as much as a major component upgrade.Not real expensive either ($399/M) Mike Fremer likes the Pro-silway's so much it is replacing his long loved Yamamura's
Have had many different IC's including SPM and must say I really like the Harmonic Technology Pro Silway Mk. II. I personally believe that they are sometimes discounted as "the best" due to their price. One must remenber that system/cable matching is the most important and these have worked the best for me.
Purist Audio Dominus and Proteus, NBS Monitor 0 and Siltech's G-3 line of those currently available, and Full Spectrum of those not currently available. The Kimber Select silver interconnects also belong on the list, as well as their KCAG and, as a top choice on the budget side that's not so far away from the big boys, their PBJ.
I will have to nominate the Superconnect IV from Musical Concepts. Have owned many of the cables listed above. But these cables are the best kept secret in all of audio bar none!!. And at their price point,they are the only contender PERIOD. Give them a try--truly remarkable by any standard.
Here's a new one for you. Zu Cable is a new company that is manufacturing some tremendous products. I have been fortunate to sample their interconnects and review them before they were marketed. I am so impressed with them that I will completely re-cable my system with nothing but their ICs. Keep your eyes open for their introduction. Your ears will be pleasantly surprised...
Purist Audio Dominus not only is the most well-constructed cable but also sounds increadibly transparent and neutral. I do not own these (can't afford it) but a friend has them in his system - WOW. My other favorite (that I have heard) is the Audioquest Diamond.
Kimber PBJ! It can stand "neck to neck" with the most "heavyweights", mentioned above!
I don't know what I would do without the Straight wire SERENADE in my system. I have to tried some expensive cable between pre-amp and amp. And nothing comes close.
Audioquest Amazon and Nordost Quatro Filare are the best ones I heard and owned.
I know many people will disagree, but having compared many different cables... nordost spm, kimber select, MIT, etc., I find that the Transparent Reference XL is far superior. It is amazingly quiet and controlled. Very expensive but if you have the money, well worth it. The only thing that might compare, from what I hear, is the Purist Audio Dominus.