Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ?

I haven't been following this for a number of years. Just curious.

Does any of you have one of those ?

"Top of the range" is British English, that was intentional. When I think turntables, at least under $50k or so, I always first think British.


Dohmann, the same man who designed the Continuum tables. No wonder.

Most will think that belt drive is the way to go, certainly at the top level. But this is an endless discussion. It's like some will only listen to horn speakers. As a tape man, not a vinyl man, I don't think I am biased. Whatever sounds more right to me.


Technics SP-10R, SL-1000R, and SP10 mk3 are in the conversation for best turntable in the world and sell in the $10-20k range.

Woots, what spectrum? And by the way, which Kuzma? No one here mentions any direct drive TT. The Dohmann Helix is the only belt drive I’d have in my system, if I were limited to BD.

Was just thinking it’s ironic that the LP12 is denigrated for the high cost of upgrades but Clearaudio gets away with it because for $20,000, you also get a name change.

Dohmann Helix One is likely the best turntable out there. Unless you want to spend $350k on a Wilson Benesch. 

Origin Live Voyager S could be up there as well. But I'd go with a Dohmann before any others myself.

@biftwin I don’t think I will. That just ends up being troll bait, in my experience. But for purposes of my response to this thread, I have (in addition to turntable noted above):

Lyra Altas Lambda SL
Lyra Atlas Lambda Mono
Boulder 1108 phono-stage
Naim 252/Supercap DR preamp
Naim 300DR power amp
Naim NDX2/XPS DR network streamer
Dynaudio Confidence C2 Platinum speakers
REL S/510 subs (stereo pair)

There are some erroneous posts here
Best turntables:
Techdas - not airforce as on poster calls it
CS Port
Quite a few others

@dwette  Please take a few minutes to build your virtual system.  I'd love to see it.  Cheers.


But there are many top turntables not British.,

Clear Audio - Germany

AirForce US

AMG - Germany

No, we are not talking about prices, more expensive may not be better or may be worse. Yeah, and that article was published in 2020. Any price.

Is Continuum still there at the top ?

@bigtwin I think that article is misinformed. The Clearaudio Statement v2 turntable is more like $250K now. I don't know if that's with or without the $35K Statement TT1 tonearm.

@inna are you saying you want to know about the best turntables that are still under $50K? I'll assume that and reply with:

  • Clearaudio Master Innovation ($34K)
  • 2 x Clearaudio Universal 12" tonearms ($6.7K each)
  • Clearaudio Innovation record weight ($750)
  • Clearaudio Outer Limit Ring ($1500)

This is just about $50K. I put this here, because I have this, except mine is the regular Innovation turntable and I have the Statement record weight, at $30K for everything, but I am thinking about adding the field upgrade kit to the Master Innovation for another ~$20K