Useful Information

Parties interested in receiving useful information are invited to PM. This way we can share useful information without triggering others, having posts and threads removed, and having to scan past oceans of mindless blather.
In my experience people are not so much stupid than lazy.... It is difficult for me not being stupid more than half the times each day... That task ask for thinking, reading, studying, be silent(very difficult for me).... I hope I am not totally stupid... I think I am not totally stupid because being stupid is a choice not a genetic affliction... and i try to read and think a lot …. Perhaps not enough? Who want to think? And more important: who want to meditate about his own thinking and acts and choices? Intelligence begins after the meditation then, not solely after some thinking.... Thinking is not enough.... :)

One by one the individual composing the mass are not stupid they are lazy...The mass is a mass....Inert and instinctual like a beast or robotic like an army....Political direction is there to drive the mass to synchronized action instead of erupting instinctual acts...
Voters that actually do not get  something  gone that was made ONLY to ensure they could never vote down slavery aka Electoral College , are
the dumbest fools that have ever graced Planet  Earth !!!

And none of that HS  BS telling you it was for anything else, it was NOT .
Um, huh?
Correct me if I am in error, but the scuttlebutt around the barbershop is that slavery was indeed abolished in this country some time ago....
ozzy62 and uberwaltz,

The public may not look too carefully at details but the ones not blindly tied to party (or any other) allegiance, do notice things like image, tone of voice, confidence etc.

Boris Johnson, on those grounds, so far seems to be doing well in leading the UK during this crisis.
As much as libertarians might object, you can’t minimize the deaths from a pandemic like this by relying on the individuals common sense to do the right thing. Everyone has to do the right thing to the greatest extent of their ability. It’s all about numbers, not individuals, other than how what has to be done by all affects each.

Rand Paul swimming and use of workout facilities knowing he was being tested for the virus and then testing positive is the only example needed.

Responsible leaders know this and are acting accordingly. A good example is Republican Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland who is a role model for how to deal with public crises like this that affect all.

Our erratic President is the opposite so far though I must say.

Hopefully, when this is over, there is a thorough review of what transpired and we learn for the next time which could be as soon as next year.

Hopefully, when this is over, there is a thorough review of what transpired and we learn for the next time which could be as soon as next year.
Yeah, you can bet the account that will be told will leave a lot of good information out, and will have just the right spin for the "common good". We've seen it before. It's a different tale depending on who's in office. Sadly, that's a fact that isn't up for debate.........

I am not party affiliated and never have been, but my opinion is the Republican’s of late under Trump show NO interest in letting facts interfere with agenda which I have maintained is a very dangerous thing.

Meanwhile the Democrats are far from perfect as well,human nature being what it is, but at least there is a variety of ideologies at play there to serve as some degree of checks and balances.

In any case, my assessment is the Democrats are much better at sticking to facts these days than the Republicans, at least the ones at the Federal Government level.

Local and state, things still have a bias, but there still are some Republican’s who retain their values but also focus on facts and work hard to serve the common public good, not just that of those who agree with them. The aforementioned Republican Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland is a great example, a Republican Governor who maintains some of the highest approval ratings of anyone in a solid blue state.  A great role model for any public servant.
Please do not take medical advice from a man who looked directly at a solar eclipse.---Hillary Clinton

Her husband is dead & she's in the ICU after ingesting chloroquine:

"We saw Trump on TV -- every channel -- & all of his buddies and that this was safe," she said.
"Trump kept saying it was basically pretty much a cure."

She implored @VaughnHillyard: "Educate the people"
Yes, one side looks like it's turning into a death cult while the other is trying to get people to stop with the both sides do it fallacy. One side is clearly on the side of science, medicine, logic and reason while the other is in la la land.

All the best,

unfortunately for all at this particular time, la la land is a reasonable description.
Unfortunately, his support base, believing any and everything their savior says, will metaphorically and literally swallow anything.
Well we can always follow Dan Patricks advice and wheel all our elders into the firing line......
And this is the face of sanity?

What in the world has the USA become?
Unfortunately there is no easy win for anyone at the moment so beware of the wolves.
If you feel too much anxious now dont listen to that now...

if you want to know the situation you will listen to Economist Nouriel Roubini about what we must face in the months to come...This guy predict accurately the 2018 crisis...It seems to own his brain...the 2 videos  complete themselves....
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) says,

"Some of the messaging is pretty confusing. It’s not just it doesn’t match with what we’re doing here in Maryland. Some of the messaging coming out of the administration doesn’t match," Hogan said Tuesday on CNN’s "New Day." "We don’t think that we’re going to be in any way ready to be out of this in five or six days or so, or whenever this 15 days is up from the time that they started this imaginary clock."

Only a few hours before Hogan began speaking on Monday, Trump declared in a tweet, "WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF." The President’s growing concern that efforts to mitigate the disease will further decimate major industries, and his suggestion that he would reconsider steps experts say are crucial to saving lives in a bid to revive the stock market, clashed with leaders closer to the crisis, like Hogan, who are moving forward with increasingly forceful efforts to slow the virus’s spread.

Not only we cannot go out in weeks but perhaps in this year....T. is completely senile and nuts and I dont speak about Biden... Listen to the 2 videos of Nouriel Roubini I just post before...He state pragmatically the dimension of this crisis....And to date it is the best analysis in 20 minutes I have seen... Feel free to advise me where better understanding of the crisis are... I want to know....By the way not being senile politically he does not speak left or right ideology....

I am a bit afraid but what? I am not and dont want to be an ostrich....
There was a doctor from Spain who was openly weeping as he had to perform triage and take the elderly off their ventilators and give them to the younger patients who are going to have a better response.

When things start to really spike in the next week or two, are we going to be in the same predicament? Gov. Cuomo was lamenting that very same sentiment earlier today. He got 400 ventilators and asked what he's to do with the 26,000 remaining patients who need it as well.

All the best,
My heart is pounding...I think about my family.... I think about unknowns families all across the world....More poor than us in America....We have no excuse if we cannot do like Roubini just said....

The problem is the same in Canada than in the US, people, even wise one normally dont understand the interlocking dimensions of the health and economic crisis, and speak like in the Trump song, perhaps the remedy is worst than the disease... Then not facing the crisis and the right hard things to do, they will delay and worsen the crisis.... It is impossible to go to work without complete shut down, testing at grand scale, for 3 months....if you do not do that the problem will go for one year, the virus will reappear this winter, and the capacity to restart the economy and the market would not be so strong.... We cannot wait....Chinesse, Korea, Taiwan, said the same thing.... We do that or  we go Italian way.... I am afraid for sure not so much  of the virus, I am afraid by the stupidity of some....
I’m just glad a lot of you had this opportunity to show your true colors. I thank you for that.
Did I mention that the President we depend on to provide proper leadership is erratic?  That's a big problem now and no way to sugar coat it.
Just saw a doctor who's been in 3rd world countries and she said we're now like a 4th world country, if that were possible. Nurses and doctors are being told to use their masks for at least 5 patients. 30,000 retired nurses answered the call to return to work.

This is like the second coming of the Dark Ages. It's like the intro of a Stephen King novel.

All the best,
I knew I should not have watched all of the Resident Evil movies again last weekend.......

  • You just figured that out?
No it has been evident as long as Trump has been around but now its an immediate matter of life and death for many.
Where the hell is Dr. Fauci?

 In an interview with Science magazine, he was asked about Trump's constant lying and misstatements and he asked, "what am I supposed to do, push him down?" 


No more appearances from Dr. Fauci. Trump also said he was becoming a TV star and there's only room for one TV star in this cabinet.

Now we have Dr. Brix who said something akin to "it's only the old who will die" so is it safe to ask if eugenics is being entertained as a solution?

All the best,
It's like going to the Hospital for a heart operation and getting  the Doc's
7 year old son doing it with his cub-scout knife 

In the dark .
Dr. Fauci's relieving no nonsense factual approach conflicts with the President's agenda.   Not likely to see him again so Trump can control the messaging.

Pretty sure we already covered the opinions towards the elderly from our glorious leaders.

Mind as long as Dan Patrick pushes his elderly relatives out first it will all be good.
Just heard that Jack Ma, CEO of Alibaba, sent 500.000 test kits and 1 Million masks to the US. They were supposed to have gone to the CDC and no one is saying where they are.

Could it be that they're part of the stash being used by the wealthy and well connected? It was Ma who was touted by Trump as bringing thousands of jobs to the US that never materialized so he is connected to the right people.

All the best,

Well since the gloves are off and this once apolitical site is no more, I will say this.

Donald J Trump, the best president since Reagan. You tree humping liberals keep patting yourselves on the back. You’ve got no game except you hate 45. No plan, no path forward, just hate orange man. Good strategy.

I’m done with this one, you guys get a room and “congratulate” each other til you puke.......
Since you love the worst president this country has ever seen and compare him to the one who started the great decline of the middle class, form which we've never recovered, all I can say is even a grade school kid could do a better job of governing than Trump.

That, and I don't know where you come from but I draw the line at trees, barnyard animals, and any non-human species. Oh, and close relatives.

Enjoy your Kool-Aid.

All the best,
Sounds like some have no game except bashing liberals.

Good thing I am not one. :^)
ozzy62, Spoken like a true Trump disciple. Long on insults, short on facts. Are you truly that ignorant? Wow.
Stay safe in your delusional little world.
Everyone else who lives in the real world, be kind, be smart.
We will come out of this.
No matter what that ignorant, clueless, self serving man child says, I have faith that state and local government leaders will do the wise thing.
Sure this thread is marked for oblivion, see you in the other side.

If Trump is here in November no one will re-elect him.... Too much dying , too much poverty, no economic recovery... Not only he is unable to do that more the time pass, but he dont want to.... He is ruined now with this crisis with his hotels ans golf course he need cash, he know that...His rant was like the prayer of a …. when people are dying around him....

I have hope because of the solidarity that these circonstances will impose.... And there will be a cure in a not too much time...

The man has declared war on half the country. 
"It's a two way street, they have to treat us well too."---Trump

Do governors have to grovel and praise him? Or maybe drop any investigations their AGs have? 

He went on to say Gov. Cuomo could have had 2-3,000 ventilators if he'd only ask for them 2 years ago. No one saw this coming years ago so what did he mean by that?

He's clearly enjoying this and loves to torment those he has a grudge with. When told that Sen. Romney has Corona-19 and is in quarantine, he said. "Gee....that's too bad." and smirked when asked if he was being sarcastic. 

I think it's time to crack open a Truly Cherry flavored Hard Seltzer.

All the best,

Cuomo was groveling apologetically practically kissing Trumps ring. Cuomo the Gov not his brother Fredo.

Besides, they will elect sleepy grabby Alzheimer’s uncle Joe? Right.

Sorry, you do not know politics, certainly not American politics. Democrats cannot win national office without 97% of the black vote. They also need nearly as large majorities of Latino and other minorities. Trump is polling in the teens and twenties and higher. Doesn’t need to win majorities of those. Democrats get any less than 95%, they lose. Period.

This is why the desperation. This is why they risk the wrath of the American people holding up major China virus legislation over money for transgender surgeries and ballot harvesting. Ballot harvesting is outlawed in many countries. People are paid to "collect" ballots. Democrats used this in California to turn 7 historically R districts D. They know fraud is the only way they can win. Pitiful.

The American people see through all this. They see Trump giving them more money. First, more jobs. Second, more pay. First wage increases in a decade. Lowest black, hispanic, female, disabled (on and on) unemployment in decades. Now even the unemployed are making more- and that’s not just talk, my wife got laid off because of the China virus and her UI is MORE than her take home was. Thanks to Trump, who has waived payroll tax, she gets to keep it all.

Trump just got the FDA to approve hydroxychloroquine and I want to say in record time but the truth is he did it in Trump Time. Everything in America now is operating on Trump Time. Everything except the democrats, who are still stuck in their fake news echo chamber.

Take it from the one guy who was right about the China virus from the start. Take it from the guy who knew Trump was gonna win the first time. Trump will win re-election. Trump will take the House. Trump will increase the republican majority in the Senate. Already Trump has achievements - judges, jobs, regulations, on and on- to guarantee he goes down as one of if not the greatest president in history. That was with the entire democrat party, all the media, Hollywood, and half his own party against him. Now he has won his party to such an extent its become the party of Trump. Fake news is crushed. Hollywood is so out of favor Ricky Gervais devoted an entire Oscars to trashing them, and people loved it.

If you have any doubt, take a look at his rallies. Tens of thousands everywhere- and that’s the ones turned away. They pack the place, with jumbo screens outside. The man is a hero. Epic hero.

Only fake news prevents everyone from seeing this. He’s breaking through even so.

Bookmark this post. Bookmark it I say! Come back and read it again and again between now and Election Day. You will see.

Actually on second thought don’t just bookmark, cut and paste. That way when the snowflakes trigger the mods to remove it we will still have it.
When told that Sen. Romney has Corona-19 and is in quarantine, he said. "Gee....that’s too bad." and smirked when asked if he was being sarcastic.

Good catch. Thanks for reminding me. When you hear "We love you!"at his rallies beauties like that are the reason why.

Of course nothing will ever top, "Because you’d be in jail."

Which she will be. Next term. Sign it. Cash it. Spend the money.
You need to take your act on the road. You can be part of the warm up act before Trump goes on stage at his rallies. You can also change your job title to Official Trump Fluffer. 

All the best,
I dont know what to say to you millercarbon, because I know you are not stupid....

Then we must called it illusion....

The reality is plain simple, Trump has no conscience, it is a con man...Like those who sell consciously snake oil... Travel the world at large, ask literate people what they think about Trump in any country.... Dont say to them that Trump is great.... They will smile politely at you.... Sorry....

It is not a question about left or right policies....democrats or republicans.... this is Trump against anybody, this man has zero empathy...Self pity yes, pity for no one....His political working in action crisis is nil....It is not me who say that this is the states officials...This is the greatest crisis in American history, on par at least with civil war...
The reality is plain simple, Trump has no conscience, it is a con man...
It is not a question about left or right policies....democrats or republicans.... this is Trump against anybody, this man has zero empathy...

So you don’t know. Figures. Allow me to enlighten you.

Long before Trump ever ran for office he had his limo pull over, jumped out and stopped a mugging on the NY city sidewalk. It happened. It was covered in the papers at the time.

Right now in Trump Tower lives a woman rent free. She had been living in the building that was there before Trump. For a very long time. When Trump heard he set her up and there she lives to this day rent free.

Trump limo gets a flat. Man stops to help. No we’re fine thanks. Proceeds to change tire anyway. Trump asks is there anything I can do for you? Maybe send my wife some flowers. Wife gets flowers. Few weeks later they get the mortgage. Trump paid it off.

NYC wastes 5 years and $20M trying to renovate the Wollman Ice Rink in Central Park. Trump gets tired of looking at it. Trump says let me. Mayor refuses. Trump takes out newspaper ad, shames mayor into letting him do it. Trump calls hockey team owner, learns how to do it, whole thing done in 9 months for $1M. Trumps money.

Speaking of which, all the money a US President is paid, Trump is not taking one dime, it is all donated to charity. One of the rare charitable contributions he takes credit for. Most of what he does, the visits to service men and women, the help he provides out of his own pocket, almost all of that is done privately. He is the very model of charity.

There’s so many of these stories its incredible the job the fake news does creating the lie that the man is anything less than a modern day George Washington. Its actually quite insulting for anyone who knows me at all to think it even remotely possible I could be so ill informed. Let alone to say he has no conscience and all those other insults. Know this- you insult not only myself, but the millions who support him and attend his rallies and love him.

I make allowance for fake news. I make allowance for ideologically biased Goolag searches. But you are not a vegetable. You have free will. You have a brain. You need to take some responsibility for informing yourself. DYODD. Look it up.

“Raymond Shaw is the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life,' and even now I feel that way - this minute. And yet, somewhere in the back of my mind, something tells me it's not true.”
Some pathological personality has great charm, this is the way they treated their enemy that reveal what they are...Look at what he says after Romney health problem... But I dont want to argue.... I wish you are right and that all I think is pure delusion sincerely...Because we are in great trouble if I am right...I feel that you have a good heart millercarbon, not Trump...I will pray that I am completely wrong for the sake of all....

“Raymond Shaw is the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life,' and even now I feel that way - this minute. And yet, somewhere in the back of my mind, something tells me it's not true.”

Bill Gates had this to say about Trump's plan to just open everything up and go back to work:
"It’s very tough to say to people, ‘Hey, keep going to restaurants, go buy new houses, ignore that pile of bodies over in the corner. We want you to keep spending because there’s maybe a politician who thinks [gross domestic product] GDP growth is what really counts,’” Gates said, adding that a shutdown may need to remain in place for six to 10 weeks.
All the best,

Some pathological personality has great charm, this is the way they treated their enemy that reveal what they are...Look at what he says after Romney health problem... But I dont want to argue.... I wish you are right and that all I think is pure delusion sincerely...Because we are in great trouble if I am right...I feel that you have a good heart millercarbon, not Trump...I will pray that I am completely wrong for the sake of all....

Read it again. It is not about charm. It is about acts. Things the man has actually done. The few ones listed are but the tiniest tip of the iceberg.

Its a shame to say it mahgister but you have fallen in with a bad crowd. If you can’t take even 5 minutes to look up even one thing widely published like the Wollman Ice Rink simply because it demolishes the narrative you have been fed, and instead of checking turn around and double down on the insults then sorry, you put yourself in the same group as the very worst around here.

I don’t do that. You do it to yourself.

Listen, because I too once misjudged the man. Which is easy to do. All you have to do is believe the fake news narrative, pumped out 24/7/365. The remedy is to actually watch the man in action. Watch the entirety of his speeches and press conferences. Its all there. Once you watch an entire event, the actual event, then watch the fake news coverage, it is unbelievable the extent to which they lie about it.

This will of course call for you to think for yourself. Also when you learn the truth it will put you at odds with all your lowlife pals you have made around here. That’s the choice you face. You don’t have to be NPC, TDS. You can learn to think for yourself. It takes a lot of effort. But its totally worth it.

The act of generosity of Trump are not convincing, it is like I give one dollar to a man in the street...Or Hitler loving his secretaries... Have you ever read about the kindness of Hitler? Read the book written by his secretaries and maids... He was the most loving man in the world... I read it and I think to myself what a good man, really...The wife of " iceman" the psychopath killer said he was the best husband and father that ever exist...A man must be judged by the way he treat his enemy, this is only evangelical simple lesson...

Second I can give to you free of charge a book about his pathology signed by 27 doctors...Are they all deluded?

I like you passion and heart, I am sorry really to be right because in the months to come we will all suffer because of his incompetent rants and smiles.... The State of the world is linked to the economic life of the US...We will all suffer even those who do not vote in America...

Its a shame to say it mahgister but you have fallen in with a bad crowd
You are a good person I dont have doubt, but you are very ingenuous... The proof is in this words of yours...The world is not divided between pro Trump and Trump Bashers except for you....I dont hate trump, I pray for another more mature, more intelligent, and first and foremost less narcissistic man a man who really love men more than money.... 
The presser today was fine except for when Trump spoke and confused everything which only makes things worse.

I’m not fond of how Pence has to credit insecure Trump with something every other line but hey Trump is his sugar daddy FBOFW.