What is "immersiveness" in audio experience ?

I experienced immersiveness 2 times , one with headphone and one with my acoutic room/speakers...
I will define acoustically "immersiveness as a rightful balanced ratio between the "sound source" perceived factor (ASW) and the "listener envelopment" felt factor (LV) , this ratio( ASW/LV ) implicate also that the timbre experience is right to begin with , that the distortion rate is low already and that these two factors are already settled, then if imaging is optimally differentiated and the soundstage dimensions may VARY according to each album recording situation and is not fixed once for all ... If each sound sources own his own volume in space and is not reduced to be a small surface,which i called the holographical factor then Immersiveness conditions are there...
I will not for now enter in these acoustic detailed explanation as i experienced them concretely, i used these precise acoustic words in the context of my experiments and experience...In my room or with my headphone...I am not an acoustician... Only someone who want top high quality experience for the least money...If money was not a problem i would had never study and work without end which so much time investment  with acoustic experiments and listening experiments... Luckily i had no money... 😊
I will now give a more subjective definition of "immersiveness" :
In any activity, when by repetition, learning,meditation, optimal set  conditions, forgetting everything else, we go through the ACT of perception or through the GESTURE as fluid with pure grace , forgetting the ego desire, fears, and hopes , ONE with the experience, in the ectasy of presence without being located in or out, here or there,this is "immersiveness...
I experienced it when the sound was good at the end of a long process, finally, one time after my speakers/room where completed and under acoustic control; one time with a well designed headphone, after 6 months of optimization experiments...
Now I forgot "sound" each time i listen music ...Only music matter ... And there is no more the necessary  habit who kill gradually  the first marvellous impressions ever... Each time is a new "first time" with any albums, and no upgrade appear meaningfull, even if for sure improved upgrading is always possible for the better... But when you are more than happy, "better gear " keep his meaning but lost his appeal...
I discovered that when i was "fatigued" with my music in the past , it was not so much the habitual and repetition of the same  music  the problem, but the "sound" defects which was so bad and  my focus on sound improvement so big it troubled and destructed the beginning of  my perceptive immersion in music...
Now any album is an acoustic and musical miracle and we cannot be used to miracles anymore than we cannot be used to true love ...
For sure what i said has a meaning for normal life day to day...
 If you live in a concentration camp , a bad recording sound of a Mozart piano concerto will put you in ectasy, nevermind the "sound"....
Then we audiophiles   we ask for something "more" than just music as usual...
It is not because we prefer good sound to good music, it is because we love music too much and felt very deep his impact, especially if the soundfield is optimal....




I am the first who said so after Hilde45 post...That he was right...

But the content of a post is more interesting , if there is a content, than the number of words in the post as suggested by the second poster here ...Anyone is free to read or not my thread anyway ...

i think that i proposed a content to discuss...an "acoustical" precise content, a "musical" content and an interesting revelatory historical story which goes with it ...

Now criticizing my long post goes nowhere , each one of us has his individuality, right or wrong...

And i am in the habit here most of the times to criticize content, not people for the sake of criticizing them ...

And it takes very good reason to criticize a thread started by someone in good faith ...

Hilde45 critic is right... My text is not ideally suited to appeal the crowd here...

But suggesting that my opening thread is too long and that i must "shorten " it is not acceptable for me as OP...

Because there is a content dificult to explain and a complex content to allude to in the objective acoustic dimension and in the subjective experience ......

I am interested by posters who will be able to communicate their own thoughts about this complex matter ...

But for sure many people are not used to face complex problems, i then apologize if my thread ask for their brain to work too hard...But they can pass over it .. 😁


I understand what you are going for here. From my experience I would go at it from a different direction. To me poor rhythm and pace is the major factor that prevents immersion. You can have incredibly holography without immersion. So, for me, the thing that really draws me in is the musicality… so, for me Audio Research and Sonus Faber versus Rowland and Wilson for instance. Then add on top of that add good imaging and other characteristics.

Interesting observation and experience...

A system is musical or not first as "timbre" experience...If the system give too much bad distortion , no immersiveness for sure...

Add to that an unnatural, or artificial timbre rendition no immersiveness for sure...

Musicality is related for me to timbre experience and the subtle hues and perceived "colors" of the different instruments alone or together...

But i forgot DYNAMIC... You are right... ( because it is impossible to have good timbre without good dynamic anyway)

But once we have a minimal musicality and a good dynamic , which i supposed as already granted in my opening thread, saying that immersiveness "implicate also that the timbre experience is right to begin with , that the distortion rate is low already and that these two factors are already settled," then the immersiveness factor for me is defined by the 3 qualities related in a balanced way inside the soundfield experience: Imaging differentiation, soundstaging variable dimensions and holographical VOLUME content...But without "rythm and pace" and optimal dynamic in the incoming of sound we cannot have immersiveness...

The reason i forgot to specify dynamic as " rythm and pace" is that timbre rendition cannot be good or optimal without good dynamic from the system...

In the definition of timbre the " time envelope" and the transients and the onset of the sound are some factors even in the acoustic definition of timbre... Then i was supposing all that...

Then musicality and dynamics you are very right are mandatory for experiencing immersiveness... But i think that we need more to achieve it completely...

But you are right also in an another way, a deeper way , we are all different and pure musicality is enough for many people to reach immersiveness, or simply rythm and pace and more the dynamical aspects...

Then your post remind me that our different audio history is an important factor... I forgot that...

Anyway "immersiveness" is related to this three aspects of the soundfield which anyway cannot exist at all optimally in an audio system unable to give first natural timbre experience, musicality and dynamic for sure... But musicality of timbre as distorsion level and dynamic are as electrical factors relating to the component than purely acoustic one... And i was thinking more about acoustic... it was necessary to add your observation for adding all factors and all our listeners differences...

Thanks for this wise and useful and necessary observation...

My very best....


I understand what you are going for here. From my experience I would go at it from a different direction. To me poor rhythm and pace is the major factor that prevents immersion. You can have incredibly holography without immersion. So, for me, the thing that really draws me in is the musicality… so, for me Audio Research and Sonus Faber versus Rowland and Wilson for instance.




For what it’s worth -- I don’t care how long your posts are. You can do what you want.

My advice is only relevant to you if you want more people to read and consider what you say. If you don’t mind that most people will skip your post and that allows you to write what you want, go ahead.

There’s no "right" or "wrong" here. It’s a question of whether you want to have more people in conversation or if you don’t mind people ignoring you. In case you care, I will ignore posts that are long and hard to follow. But you may not care! That's ok. Up to you. Be well.

Hilde 45 i adressed the short post of the second poster....

Not your good will and well intentionated post...

I already said that you were right...I even apologize to be centered on my own "investigation" and a bit heavy to read...

I dont want to push you out of this thread because you always are rational and interesting...

You never say that my post was "too long"... The other poster did perhaps only joking... But i am sensitive to truth and i dont like irrational not founded in truth criticism... And as a third poster astute observation revealed soon after this second poster joke or ad hominem criticism, in my apparently "too short" now introducting post, i forgot to eloaborate about dynamic and musicality as conditions for "immersiveness" ... Proof that my introducting post was too short and lacking in precision because i was supposing that timbre c experience imply them, it imply them but not completely as very well described by ghdprentice useful  post ...Thanks to him  it is corrected and open now to a deeper discussion...I forgot that our own history and perception differ a lot for sure...

In the opposite your critic was right from the beginning and on good faith i take it as such if i may repeat what i already said ... ...But when someone say that a post contains too much words it is meaningless criticism with no arguments or ad hominem one ...Or a joke...

Anyway this thread is about complex problems ...


My very best to you...


For what it’s worth -- I don’t care how long your posts are. You can do what you want.

My advice is only relevant to you if you want more people to read and consider what you say. If you don’t mind that most people will skip your post and that allows you to write what you want, go ahead.

There’s no "right" or "wrong" here. It’s a question of whether you want to have more people in conversation or if you don’t mind people ignoring you. In case you care, I will ignore posts that are long and hard to follow. But you may not care! That’s ok. Up to you. Be well.