What's next after Luxman 550 AX/II with Harbeth C7

I recently bought and sold the Luxman (class A) 550 for my C7's. I won't waste all of your time with reasons, but let me sum it up with saying the pairing was good, but nothing special. I would go as far to say the Croft phono integrated I had prior engaged me a bit more. I'm now considering the Unison Unico integrated. I know this will sound odd, but the other integrated I'm considering is the Lab twelve integre. The latter cost $5K US, while the Unison is less than half the price of the all tube Lab twelve. No offense to anyone , but I'm not considering any all solid state units. The Unico is a hybrid, so I thought for the money, it would be worth trying. Just to avoid confusion, the Lab twelve actually used the numeral twelve, but it seems that audiogon flags my posts whenever I put in a number. So I spelled it out to avoid the aggravation. Life is hard enough (-: Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Cheers -Don


I've heard an all Lab 12 setup. Dac1 Reference + Pre1 + Suara with a pair of QLN speakers. 

I liked it. There was a lot of energy but still very musical and pleasing to listen. I got the Dac1 Reference but if I got some spare money I would not mind the Pre1+Suara or Integre. I've heard the Line Magnetic amps with ATC speakers and they should warrant consideration if you are able to audition them. 


I recently tried several tube amps, from $5000 to $20000. I found that price was not a great predictor of sound quality, in fact one of the most expensive was the worst by a margin. However visited a store that was closing down they had a Cayin CS55a that I got at half price? My advice, try as many as you can, but look out for a bargain.  The CS 55a is very, very nice at less than half of all the ones I tried.

That could be interesting news because that Lab 12 line is one I'd love to Hear. I've also been thinking about getting back in to digital, but not diving too deep. There is a dealer who is within a reasonable driving distance (2+ hrs) that has Lab 12, Audio Hungary and Harbeth. But the Audio Hungary he has is only 20 watts, so I don't think that would be ideal. The Cayin line is interesting too...very little chatter but they have been around a long time. I also happen to like the looks over many of it's competitors. 

I can't comment on the specific Lab 12 amp you are referring to but do iown their fabulous DAC and would definately vouch for their quality sound

Ryder- my experience mirrors yours. The bass of the C7 with the (NOW SOLD) 550 AX/II was perfectly fine. Never bloated, yet satisfyingly full. The Luxman never played an offensive note with the C7’s. I can’t share one bad comment about the sound, because I didn’t experience anything negative. The Lux was also never dry sounding, but to my ears nothing special, so I moved on. I don’t know...maybe I just don’t love the C7’s. But it was time to break up that system, and I opted to move the Luxman. I have a history of preferring tubes, even when comparing phono stages. That being said, the Luxman was one of the best solid state amps I’ve heard.

I have used many amps on the Harbeth SHL5 before, currently own the SHL5+ and Luxman L-590AXII, Sonneteer Orton and Naim NAC 282/NAP 250DR. The Naim sounded best with the Harbeth to my ears and preferences. The Harbeth sounds a bit dull, flat and uninspiring with all other amps, including the Luxman. Having said that, I noticed there are few people who matched the Harbeth with Luxman without any issues.

I do not have experience with Unison Unico, LTA or other tube amps with the Harbeth.

FWIW, the Luxman sounds wonderful when matched with Marten Dukes in my main system. In this system, the Naim is outclassed by the Luxman. Synergy (and/or maybe listening preferences) is key.

Good luck with the amp search.

The best amp I’ve heard with my Harbeth M30s is the Line Magnetic 845ia.  I have some other tube and SS amps here (all more powerful), with separate competent line stage, and still prefer the overall sound of the LM integrated.  I went to hear the Luxman 595 integrated with the Harbeths and on a whim listened to the LM (I’m generally not a tube guy) and preferred the LM.  Definitely worth an audition if you can !  Not sure how it would sound with the C7.  

I just looked at the measurements from What HiFi.

Those speakers need close rear wall support to have decent bass, and an overly lively room will accentuate the treble in comparison.

I suggest, if you haven’t, get them closer to the wall or use the absolutely fabulous tone controls in the Luxman.  The loudness control is also very very good.  Try those and see if you can avoid swapping out more gear.

Thanks, my C7's are the ES3, not 40th or XD, so a bit laid back next to the newer XD's from what I understand. I have a friend who used a 22 watt amp ( I believe an Audio Note Jinro) with Harbeth, and had no issues. There are certainly some different opinions as to how much power is enough. Cayin also make a couple of tube amps that are well within my budget. The CS 55A  and 88T...the latter has more power, yet still uses only 4 output tubes. The 88T uses 6SN7's instead of 12 series input/pre tubes. Due to budget and the fact I may have a fair amount of short listening sessions, I'm going to stay away from 211/845 based amps. I'd like to keep the cost $5K US or less. I've heard great things about the LTA. 

I paired my new  HARBETH 30.2Xd’s with a REGA OSIRIS integrated amp.

terrfic match that is well worth an audition, 

maybe try a linear tube audio zotl40 reference

lot of tube amp upside with few of the downsides

lovely sound, with a superb clarity and drive that works very well with harbeths in my experience

I really enjoyed the Coda CSIB but always end up with tubes longer term. The 550aII was a bit too golden colored imo. I wouldn’t pair it with a speaker on the warm side. Never owned unison but always wanted to hear one. Good luck.