What sort of upgrade from Rega Brio to go with my Dynaudio's X12?

Hi! In your view, what integrated amp would make my X12 sing? I like the Brio but was told and know that my speakers will benefit a lot from a more powerful, newer amp. What would the candidates be?

Rega Elex, Cambridge CXa81, Hegel H95? Nad, Roksan, Yamaha? What else? What kind of power do I need? Any thoughts??


Just taking a quick look out there, I used to have one of these:


driving my power hungry KEF LS50's, it does very well with 4 ohm speakers. The preamp leaves a little bit to be desired, but can be bypassed and use a separate preamp. I ran a Schiit Freya + into it and it sounded great. Lotsa room to move at that price. There are some others of this model out for sale, look around.

And not saying this is the best choice by any means, just one that I am personally familiar with.



The X12’s are 86dB sensitivity and rated at 4 ohms impedance, I am not surprised that the Brio is not doing it for you. NAD tends to be good with current thirsty speakers. Maybe Hegel, not sure. I would watch the used market and do your research, and focus on amps that do well at 4 ohms, and sound good, of course. 😀

Consider the Heaven 11 Billie integrated amplifier mentioned above.  Not pushing it, just very satisfied with it.

Complete with DAC and phono.  



I believe you are the right path upgrading your amplifier for the X12s. I have heard and truly like them. At a budget of 'up to 2K' you can do much better than the Yammy 801 in my opinion. 

What sources are you using?


interesting comment. that was my first idea, in fact. I thought of getting Monitor Audio's Silver 100 7G people talk wonders about, then was told my speakers were too good for the Brio and that I had not seen what they were able to do with more power, thus, this post and, now, A-S801 more power, very well reviewed amp, etc...

Sounds to me like you just want to spend $$$...
 A Tube/SS hybrid will give a slight upgrade in sound but a dramatic improvement will only be accomplished using those speakers with a full tube or pure Class A SS amplifier...They are decent enough speakers BUT thay have a pronounced mid bass hump & slightly recessed midrange..
IMO you will be better served keeping the Rega for now & upgrading the speakers..

oh, OK. yes it's subjective what sound moves you. It's hard to describe what's musical because it depends on the person and the music I like to use the terms "warm, bright, sweet, detailed, layered, rich, airy, direct, spacious, vintage" because I think I know what they mean. I don't understand the meta-language used here a lot. 

sorry for not being clear. an amp that, in my view, plays music very well. many other amps are technically more impressive in the way you get details, bass, highs and so on....the rega is very natural and musical sounding in that regard, I think...

I would try the Elex MK4, for instance, as I like the Brio as a more music than hifi sort of amp.

My budget is 2k max, if you have ideias to suggest.

Did not mention in my response that I used the Rega Brio (newer, half sized form) for several years and was never enthralled with it.  I chalked it up to the speakers that I was using (Omega single drivers), which tend to do better with tubes.  Swapping in Ascend Acoustics didn't help matters.  I just found the sound to be very flat.  Suggesting it may be the amp, knowing nothing about the Dyns.  

Better sound quality?  Simple send it to be upgraded.  That solves that problem.

CRAP,CRAP,CRAP!DON’T buy into the need more power BS,UNLESS your running in a BIG room OR always listening VERY LOUD!!!
I’ve run Dyn’s for YEARS with lower power tubes & SS amps..Started with Audience 52>Audience 52SE>X14 & now X18’s...BEST ever was pure Class A SS @ 25wpc..Sugden or the new Musical Fidelity Class A will bring out the best of your speakers..

I started to hear the weakness under 60 watts/8ohms with my Dynaudio speakers. There are 100s of choices, depends on your budget. I have been very happy with vintage gear.


I’d have to agree your Dyns would appreciate more power, but all amps sound different so it really depends on what improvements and sound characteristics you’re looking for beyond just more power.  Also, what’s your budget, and are you looking for new or used?  This critical additional info will get you much better recommendations here.

Went through a few after the Rega Brio.  First the Croft integrated amp (never warmed up to it) and then the Rogue Sphinx v3 (too noisy).  Also two different sets of speakers, Omega Compact Alnico monitors and GoldenSource BRX monitors.

Not cheap equipment.  Felt very 'meh' about the set-ups.  Some moments of pure pleasure, but not many of those moments.  About a year ago, took a chance on the Heaven 11 Billie integrated.  Mostly based on a Steve Guttenberg  review.  I had also introduced a pair of Zu Audio Omen bookshelf speakers into the mix.  I had the Dirty Weekenders in another system and really liked their performance.

Pretty satisfied with the set-up.  Both vinyl and CDs.  No experience with the Dynaudios, sorry.  

