Which would you choose; Pass 250.8, arc 75SE or luxman m900u?

Current amp great soundstage but not exciting.

It’s clear you have decided that the pro’s of continuing to do what you do, blatantly changing/steering posts, or posting thinly veiled "questions" to push your wares is a good business decision for you. It very well may be. Lord knows I’m not the first, nor will be the last to be annoyed by it, or call you out on it. Your business, your decision.

Might go over a little better if you sponsored ads on here, maybe pay and post some ads for your products, offer some "agon" users specials etc. Maybe you have, I’ve not seen them.   If you have, I apologize, my bad.  I've lurked for years but rarely post.

As for this particular thread. I tried to stick to the OP’s question. They asked about 3 amps, I gave my thoughts. You did not. Sure, you suggested a used amp, but of all the used amps it just so happened to be one you sold and could post a mini-ad. Call it what you will, that is what is was.

I’ve heard the Dali’s multiple times. I consider them to have a bit of a "smile" house sound on them, which I feel has a recessed midrange. You may not. I feel that Pass labs more than the other two amps would help liven up the speakers that were described as unexciting...

I tried to answer the question directly. Suppose I could have asked about the room? Overdamped? Maybe. But the bottom line is that yes, the Dali’s IMO are a bit tough to liven up.

Ironically, Pass would not have been my first choice either, but it was the best of the options posted.

Additionally, I’ve heard T+A (on tektons among others) and yes it’s possible it might be a nice option. That said, the tekton speakers are very dynamic, fast, and super lively to start with (at least those I’ve heard the DI, the DISE, and the Ulfs and DI monitors). I have thoughts on those also, but I digress.

The problem I, and many have had is your veiled, and at times not so veiled attempts to promote constantly. Much more so than other dealers out here.

But, your business, do what you want. Many of us here are experienced and have opinions we could give if we push the threads in different directions.

OP - I hope you find what you want. Many times I’ve chased components in an effort to "tune" a speaker. Short of an EQ... many times it’s just the speaker that isn’t working for you. Which sucks for anyone. So tough to buy a speaker after hours of traveling, demoing, reading, posting to get it home and simply realize it doesn’t work for you for whatever reason. I hope that isn’t your case.

Post removed 
Trudat the Dali Epicons are warm speakers an amp with a recessed midrange would be a good thing. 

Also the series 8 is a different sounding amp from any of their older designs.

Free ads....  everyone else pays for banner ads, why don't you support the forum instead of exploiting it Audiotroll?
Considered the 6’s for quite a while. Frankly I felt the midrange was recessed (and one reason I personally think Pass would pair nicely with them). But just my opinion.

I own Pass among others.

Yes, I’m aware you carry Parasound and rumor has it Krell might be a new line for you.  Is Anthem one of yours?  How about Paradigm, how are those new Persona speakers...I hear they are the cats meow. You know, if you want something hyperdetailed bright and sterile... though hey maybe a warmer amp might work with those?  

Yes, I read TJ’s review. TJ does a nice job. Coda makes a good amp, frankly similar to Pass in many ways, which makes sense as they have the same "tree" from which they came. Now, I could be wrong (and it wouldn’t be the first time). I think they both use the same toshiba transistors.

I like Doug at Coda, I’ve talked to him many times and owned a Coda amp for a while. Very nice unit. Unfortunately, and this is in the eye of the beholder I think that amp is butt ugly. Doesn’t mean a bit regarding sound. I like meters, I like black, I’ve liked CODA’s look before. Just my opinion it’s freaking butt ugly. I’m sure it sounds very nice, Doug builds a very nice amp.

As for me not having a grasp, well I’m pretty confident that I do have a grasp on companies, my own ears, and what your intentions are in 95% of your posts. It’s your right to promote your business, suppose it’s my right to be annoyed at how you go about doing it.

Then again, maybe I’ve lost my grasp...
Yes trudat you got us by the way we sell Parasound as well.

Sure how many dealers tell the Op to buy an used amp not  from their dealership?

Again Trudate do you own Epicons? 

You really dont have a grasp here.

Why would the Op buy a used set of JC  1 when he can buy a brand new amp for the same money that will sound better?

Did you read TJs review on the new Coda amp 

I started by simply responding to the OP's question.  Gave my opinions on 3 amps he asked about.

You on the other hand, changed the topic, and sure you talked about a used amp that allowed you to pump up T+A gear.  Made sure to take a shot at Pass labs, something you don't sell.

Come on, pretty transparent what you were doing.  Maybe the OP should find a bargain basement Krell that can be sent in for the XD upgrade and save $1000's over a new one?

Or, why not a pair of JC1's that can be found used all the time?

Not real hard to go find posts by you where you shift an OP's question to talk about something you sell.  

Really Rs507 please find me one bad review on a T plus A product.

If your friend has regrets something if wrong with his system we had Luxman a few years ago the T plus A gear was far superior in our demos  which piece does he have and what is the rest of his system?
I called Audio Doctor a few days ago from Vermont just to ask advice on a couple of items I am thinking about purchasing. Even though Troy knew it was unlikely that a purchase would come from the phone, call he spent a good hour talking with me. It was just a pleasant conversation talking about new and old gear.

Having a highly experienced specialist in audio equipment willing to share his ideas is a valuable resource to our community. It beats a number of posters here who provide their highest endorsement for a product this week, only sell it for the new best product next week.
Go with Luxman great sounding.  A friend has a T+A and he is in regrets, nothing special as some here would suggest. Obviously a dealer will tell you otherwise.
I guess so trudat we advised the op to purchase a used amp not from us so self serving of us. 

Considering we also sell Epicons means nothing either about how they sound and what gear works well with them either. 

So to recap we told the OP to purchase a used T plus A amp from an ex dealer.

We sell Epicons so we just might know what works with them.

So i guess both you Trudat and Oddfioyl are arm chair quarterbacks i dont think either one of you own Epicons do you?

Dave and Troy 
Audio Doctor Dali dealers
Polluting every post with a sales pitch....   He bought three pieces and now he's a Krell dealer...   
Shocking a post from audiotroy where what he sells is better,  and Pass is "too warm".

While I could care less if you buy Pass, not sure where this "too warm" thing comes from?  It's not like Pass sounds like conrad johnson, old school McIntosh etc.

In fact, it's almost impossible to find an even luke "warm" review of the new Pass .8 series.  (Ok, hard to find many bad reviews by publications anyways, but I digress)

It's not a old school Krell with lows and highs peaked, but it sure seems like many MFG, including Krell with their new "XD" upgrade are trying to do exactly what Pass does - excellent midrange.

Oh yeah, and his post comes off as straight up promotion.

I wonder what a dealer that sells both Luxman and T+A would say? That’s right, very few dealers come in here and straight up promote constantly.
Roxy would need to know more about the system, we are Dali dealers with the Epicon 8 on display. The speakers tend to be on the warm side so you need to be careful in system matching or you will make the Epicon’s sound way too boring by losing too much top end detail.

Currently there is a T+A PA 3000 power amp for sale on this site. The T+A gear is in our opinion like the Luxman but an even better amplifier for the money:

T+A design advantages over Luxman: both are $19k list amplifers so price is a tie.

1: T+A exclusvie High Voltage design, runs internal rails at 360v with specially designed components to accheive more linear transistor function makes solid state take on tube like qualities

2: Twice the power 300 watts vs the Luxman’s 150

3: Upgradable by adding the T+A power supply which turbo charges the amplifier with an external 1,200kv transformer used to power the output stage with the internal 1,000kv transformer being used to power the input stage.

4: Internally devided into two separate sections with an aluminium shield input stage kept internally separate from the output stage.

5: Fantastic German buld quality

6: Cool ass meters!

7: Unbelievable sound quality, dimensional, detailed, smooth.

We do agree with Audiolabyrinth that the new Krell amplifiers are giant killers they are just not as refined as the T+A gear, however for the money are unbelievable sounding amplifiers.

To answer your question we would recommend in this order:

1: Luxman or T+A for better bass control and dynamics over the ARC
2: ARC very clean sounding not overly warm tubes
3: Pass too warm for the Dali unless your system is balanced correctly with cabling and sources.

Good luck.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ T+A, Krell, Dali dealers

Dali Epicon 8
Pre Arc ref 10
Symphonic classical looking for deep soundstage and timbral beauty and space around solo and chamber instruments.
IMO Luxmans are a "delicate" sounding amp.  Not bad, tons of detail, fantastic for female vocals, won't hurt you.  

Don't have much experience with ARC other than a few in-store demo's.  I find them to have more ooomph than a typical tube amp.

The Pass, Very good bass, excellent midrange a bit on the thicker, more musical side.  Has the top end, but not as airy as the Luxman, and doesn't have that last bit of sparkle.

For my money, Pass if those are your three choices.  Will hold it's resale best also, especially if you pick up a used or demo.

What speakers?  What music?
 you should check out the new krell xd amplifier's,  best amplifier's competing with twice the cost of what krell is retailing currently.