Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.

Hello All,
I’m coming up on 40 yrs in this hobby,and or obsession of ours,and I started with a pair of Khorns and Macintosh at the age of 12 and Offcourse owned a ton of different gear over the yrs.
I bought a 2170 a little more than 6 months ago and I enjoyed it so much that I quickly realized I don’t really need anything else,solid state,tubes,or even dac’s anymore.I could step off that silly merry go round of amplification and just enjoy music.I was able to utilize the extra money and time and put together a really great sounding network audio system that rivaled the best in analog that I have ever had,I was mainly a analog guy all of these yrs but finally gave it up,I even sold my longtime record collection of 3k records which included many Hot Stampers that I purchased and also several that I found on my own.

So who Luv’s the 2170 and is maybe also thinking about the new 3400.

Happy Listening,

I just applied the TC product to the tops of all the caps etc... inside the unit and placed an Ecard inside by using very strong and high quality double sided tape. I taped it label side down to the 4 taller caps. I can give you more details Tim needs to probably load another TC paste ad. Just contact him through a mat ad and say you want to buy a TC kit.  He will when place an ad for you. 
Hi again,
So, I've ordered a NUC7I7BNH with 16GB RAM and 250GB SSD.
My plan is to connect: NUC -> ifi micro iUsb3.0 -> Lyngdord USB module.

Do u think this will provide good quality or I should add something between NUC and iUsb3.0

You mentioned SOTM Usb card but i guess thats not an option with NUC. 

Any thoughts? 
Nice. Are you going to use the ROCK operating system by Roon. You should for best sound! It is free.

There is a way to connect a SOTM card in an outboard fashion. I will try and find the link. Yes it would certainly help the sound, but it is not a must.
Hello, happy Lyngdorfians. I’m considering the 2170 to replace my McIntosh MA6500/OPPO BDP-105d combo as the OPPO is failing and I’d like to move to a one box solution.

I use Focal Electra 1028BE II speakers along with a pair of Velodyne VX-11’s that actually work very well in an L/R setup next to the speakers. The sound is by far the best I’ve ever had in my system and I’m fairly happy with where it’s at to be honest, but I’m not sure I want to get the OPPO repaired at this time and my wife really likes the idea of a 1 box solution. 

A couple questions: First, I’m concerned that an all digital amp may not play to the strengths of the Focals. They have been lean/bright with amps I’ve used other then the Mac, and I’m wondering if the RoomPerfect correction might be able to address this. 

Second, what’s the amp rated for into 8ohms? I see 170 at 4ohms but would like some clarity there before making a move. My MA6500 puts out 120 class AB at 8 ohms and 200 at 4 ohms. I could live with 100 watts as I almost never push the Mac that far. 

Finally, are the EQ presets on the 2170 really that bad? I generally don’t mess with tone controls and I could always tweak the lowpass on the sub if necessary, but I’m curious if anyone’s used them in any useful way. 


@hybrid81 I can only speak for the 3400. I sincerely doubt sonically you would have any issue pairing it with your speakers and being nothing but very satisfied. The Lyngdorf sound is utterly neutral, detailed, beautiful, and engrossing emotionally.

@jcarcopo yea that’s what I’m gathering from this thread, seems like it checks most boxes for most people. I’d love to know the power output at 8ohms but I believe that so long as it’s above 80ish watts I’d be fine.

I have a feeling the only option will be the fully loaded model, which bums me out because I really don’t need the add-ons and at 4K the price is right, but I guess I’ll see which one they have in stock.
The 2170 is the polar opposite of bright or forced in the upper mid range or highs. If it veers off neutral it is towards the warm and smooth side of the scale.

It is rated at 80 watts into 8 ohms. Your speaker is 4 ohm and the 2170 puts out some 170 watts into 4 ohms. Your speaker does not dip below 3.5 ohms and is 91.5 effecient. The 2170 has more than enough power. My speakers are 5 ohm 89 dB effecient in a huge room and I have far more power than I could ever use. My room is 34x21 with 10 foot ceilings.  

Holy sh!t you’re right, they are 4 ohm. Learning all kinds of things today. Thanks for the heads up! Makes me feel a lot better about this integrated. Demo has been delayed for a couple weeks unfortunately, but I really can’t wait to get my hands on this bad boy.
So from day one my 2170 had a problem where if you put it in standby, most of the time it would not come out of standby mode without turning if off on the back and sometimes without unplugging it from the mains. Even after adding a voltage conditioner. I normally leave it on anyway, but it seems every time I'm out of town, and the wife wants to use it, it's gone into standby and won't turn on. Others on this thread have had this problem too. Lyngdorf, up until now, has just blown-off this question. But I tried again and got this answer...

"Sorry to learn of your problems - and we recommend that you turn to your dealer for arranging the repair of your amplifier

We have experienced a similar problem, where the amplifier had problems in starting up due to a communication error between the boards. This caused the amplifier to stay inactive with the Lyngdorf logo on the display. If this is the case with your amplifier, please inform your dealer, when arranging the service. "
So that is my PSA for the day. If you've had this problem, it isn't a figment of your imagination.
I just purchased a 3400 to see what all the hype is about. I should get it next week. This will hopefully be replacing a Metrum acoustics Ambre Roon endpoint to Audio-GD NFB7.77 Dac to Krell EVO 202 preamp to Halo JC1 monblocks. I hope all the hype is true to same all that money. BTW, how does the 3400 claim to have 200w/ch/8 ohm when the power input on the back says 140W? I want to use my PS audio P5 power conditioner with this and want to make sure it is safe.
@hybrid81 how do you like the  Focal 1028be? I thinking about purchasing the 1038be. They are heavily discounted right now.
@ron1264 I like the 1028be a lot. I’ve had them for about 5 years with no desire to upgrade. For the size rooms I’ve had them in, they have been perfect. With as loud as they can get, I think they’d be fine in most 4-5 bedroom houses.

They don’t match well with every amp. Anything that’s clinical sounding or hot up top can make them tough to listen to for long periods, which is why I ultimately landed on a Mac. Tames the highs very well. They have a fair amount of low end that can be dialed in with tone controls, but I run L/R subs and the combination sounds wonderful. If it weren’t for my failing OPPO and the PITA that comes with a multi component system, I’d be fine, but wifey wants to consolidate to 1 box to rule them all.
@hybrid81 I heard the focals aren't the best choice in small rooms. Do you agree with that statement. My room is 12.5w x 14.5d with 7ft ceilings. That worries me a bit. I would be using them with the Lyngdorf 3400 that should be arriving next week.

@ron1264  I wouldn’t put the 1038’s in a small room but I think the 1028’s would be fine. Honestly with a much smaller room I’d look at the bookshelf offering. I had a pair of Focal Chorus 807w’s that sounded incredible with a single sub in a small room. Better in some respects then my 1028’s.
Hi Lyngdorfians,

I wanted to ask this question to this group since I already asked this question to a Lyngdorf dealer.

I am going to move tomorrow to a new house. The home office room where I will have my system is small, 10.5W x 11L x 9H. I am going to buy the Lyngdorf 3400 to drive some new speakers.

The question is which speaker to get.

My 2 choice are the KEF Reference 1 or the Magico A3. The Lyngdorf dealer mentioned to me that a speaker with a small foot print such as the 2 I have mentioned would work. Can any of you add your experiences using the Lyngdorf in such a small room? Were you able to use a floor stander?

I would prefer the A3 because I already have stand mount type speakers, Audience 1+1 V3 and KEF LS50 in other rooms. I am likely going to sell the Audience 1+1 once I get the new speaker for the office.

I want to get a bit more bass in my sound than I have had with the Audience and LS50.
There are some unique to the Lyngdorf advantages of using speakers that work best close to the wall.

I've got a TDAI-3400 driving a pair of KEF Reference 1's in a room only marginally larger than yours. I could not be any happier with this set up. From the bass to the highs, this system has no issues reproducing whatever music I put into it (via Roon). From an expansive orchestra (Beethoven's Ninth never sounded so wide and realistic) to the intimacy of Jazz at the Pawnshop, I can't help but smile when I am listening to this. The Stones on Get Yer Ya-ya's Out are standing in front of me and I can point to each musician.


I am also intrigued by Lyngdorf.

My speaker Lansche 4.1 is pretty sensitive(99db/w spec, but real no may be 94db/w) with two actively driven 10 inch driver.

Rogue Cronus Magnum II with 100 power can drive my speakers loud enough in my spacious listening space with high vault.

I am an old fashioned guy playing just CD, so the connectivity using USB does not matter.

Is there noticeable difference in sound quality not quantity between 2170 or 3400?

I appreciate your kind response.

@velomane  Thanks for the great feedback. I am semi done setting up my office and I think I will follow your advice and get the KEF Ref 1. Why take the change with the A3. Just looking at the space tells me I may have issues. I did manage to get a few extra cubic feet of space in the room. I removed the closet door and stuck my bookshelf and part of my desk in the closet space. I was eyeing taking of some of the closet wall but I likely would be in trouble. Not a great space still but your feedback gives me confidence that the Ref 1 will sound great.
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Hello Lyngdorf people ....question : Im not crazy about EQ presets and could be a deal breaker for me , I like the manual control of bumping highs & lows ....do any of you 2170 folks have any issues with the non control or is it a moot point. Thinking of dumping my Marantz PM 11S1....Hi Fi Heaven is offering $1500 for it ....I mostly listen to vinyl / audioengine B1 streaming ...Tekton DI SE's 
@tommypenngotti Doesn't the 2170 have manual bass and treble control at least? I have the 3400 so I can custom adjust the EQ and save it. The provided presets are pretty good though for the most part.  I don't use them very often, but they aren't too agressive sounding. 
@jcarcopo - all I know is Lyngdorf said you can’t customize the voicings , not sure if the 2170 has ANY EQ control other than presets?...anybody?

$6500 is a little steep for me to get some EQ control ....I dont use any streaming services ...thanks !
@tommypenngotti  The 3400 is also twice as powerful delivering up to 400 wpc into 4ohm. I do use spotify connect and Roon Ready with Tidal and you can also connect a USB hard drive to it and playback music directly from it as well.  I bought the $7200 fully loaded model and all I will say is that I paid much less than you think for it via negotiating among dealers. 
I have had my Lyngdorf 3400 for about a month now.

Its super convenient, but it has yet to wow me (except for the great bass).

I don't hear the warmth, texture, and feel like I am losing the realness and palpability and you are there moment of my tubes.

I sometimes find it a bit harsh on the highs and have to go from "Neutral" to "Relaxed" in EQ often.

The room correction had subtle effects, brought the music a bit together, but still very very subtle, so not very necessary in my room.

Initially it was quite bad, and needed break-in although the dealer said Digital amplification needs no break-in.

So far it's better than mid-fi SS but not by a lot, for me no superlatives yet, think Accuphase or Luxman could beat this amp. But for the price it is very good.

I am not giving up yet. I am going to try power cords, cleaner power, and perhaps change of speaker cables.

Perhaps it could also be because my speakers (specifically designed for tubes, Devore O96) might not be the right fit for this amp. I will try the pre-out and connect to my Coincident Frankenstein 300b to see if this theory pans out.

Will update more as things progress.


I believe that people appreciate a honest opinion from forum posters, call it as you see (hear) it. The Lyngdorf has gotten high praise from the 'vast' majority of its happy owners so I certainly believe that it's an excellent audio product. This doesn't mean that every single person who hears it will find it meets their own needs. If there're a relatively few listeners who find it isn't for them, well so be it. No audio component receives 100% consensus approval, none do, regardless of price, brand, pedigree, technology etc.

Essrand you bought the Lyngdorf and used it in your system. There's no better way to judge an audio component that interests you. If you find that you ultimately prefer your current amplifier/system who can dispute that decision?  It certainly seems that overwhelmingly the number of people who hear the Lyngdorf will find it terrific.  There will be a small number of people who have a different outcome. Each listener must trust their own ears.

Makes me wonder if the 3400 is not cut from the same exact sonic cloth as the 2170. The 2170 sounds nothing like this in the highs.  I did demo the Lyngdorf 2400 amp to use with my 2170.  The 2400 has the exact same power as the amp section of the 3400. I did not like the sound as much as my 2170. The 2170 was a tad less dynamic and thunderous in the bass, but it was more natural and right sounding to my ears. Just a thought. I returned the 2400. 
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Everyone’s journey is different and how you approach it. I decided to build my system around the 2170. I didn’t want to have a lot of components or cables, so I was all in, 2170 or bust. Fast forward a year later I have a very natural, full, engaging system that can be listened to for hours and hours. No fatigue. I have a list of what I use in the Virtual System section of Audiogon. Good Luck
As an alternative, has anyone inserted an RP-1 in their current pre/power set-up?  When you run RoomPerfect, does it otherwise affect how your Krell/Jadis sounds?
First, big kudos to Tony at Ellington HIFI...

A while back I posted a continuing problem I've had with my 2170. If put into standby, it rarely would come out without cycling the power. Lyngdorf denied this problem as theirs, despite others that have seen a similar result. Finally a few weeks ago Lyngdorf acknowledged they discovered what was causing this.
Tony at Ellington HIFI took the lead to return my unit despite the fact he didn't sell it to me. The dealer in Austin has gone out of business. THANKS TONY! A really good guy to deal with on Lyngdorf and other products.
Tony secured free shipping to Lyngdorf for the repair and the unit is now on it's way back. Hopefully with the problem solved.
Despite a bit of frustration on it taking this long to realize the problem by Lyngdorf, they did stand up and do the right thing with the free repair and shipping. Thank you!
Question for you Lyngdorf guys. If I add the SDA2400 to the 2170 do I lose resolution with the volume control of the 2170? 
No you dont.  Not at all.  However the 2400 does sound different.  I tried it and like the 2170 more on its own. The 2400 had more bass and control/authority.  However I felt I lost a little musicality.  
My current speakers are freakin power hogs. I have to turn the 2170 to 0 to get the volume I want. 
I also found out that 2170 is sensitive to digital cable upstream.


I have good result using above 195$ cable to connect from Jay’s Cdt2 mk2 to 2170.

Mark offer 14 day’s return so if you are interested, you can try it out.

2170 had given good sound with Vaughn Cabernet Speaker for the last 10 days.

I will switch back to my main speaker Lansche 4.1 to find out.

About 2 weeks ago 2170 was too hot with Lansche 4.1.

But with change of digital cable, it could be better.

Have nice Thanksgiving!

Also the 2170 sounds best using the usb input.  If you need more power, then the 2400 is the perfect answer.  It does sound good with the 2170.  I saw a used one up for sale here yesterday. My comments are only based on my rig, preferences  and room.  You may find the 2400 a nice step up in SQ if really pushing your 2170. 
@shkong78 Do please report back with your findings. Perhaps you and I are having the same problem (speaker mismatch).
@essrand Your impressions aligned with mine... (w the 3400 and coincident PREs)
@ essrand

Lyngdorf 2170 got tamed enough to drive my main speaker Lansche 4.1.

But it is a long story with lot of updates.

I will post it when I have more time to write.
Off topic a bit but this seems like a good place to ask. Has anyone heard the Lyngdorf speakers? Specifically the FR-1. Price is good. I like that they are designed for on wall and to couple to the room. Would assume they have very good synergy with the 2170 or 3400 as well. Hard to find much info on them. 
A heads up to anyone considering a Lyngdorf . There is a American company called Exogal that is similar in it is a digital amplifier and made in the U.S. . 
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Lyngdorf need more than 300 hrs for full break in

They are also sensitive to power

You may need good power conditioner and cables.

Somehow Perfect Path Technologies E-mat and E-card also help to make it sound less lean.

You also need good front digital cable.

Silnote digital cable also helped.

But in the end, it is possible that you may not warm  up to the sound of Lyngdorf even though it did nothing wrong if you are tube guy.

I have decided to use Lyngdorf 2170 as Dac and Pre only or to play very loud rock music.

I can not open my heart to sound of my main speaker driven by Lyngdorf 2170 although it does not sound hot or lean any longer.

After all it is dependent on system and personal taste.

My Line Magnetic 508 SET amplifier after tube rolling with Nos has magical mid range and enough dynamics to drive my Lansche 4.1 speaker.


Final post on this, I hope! My 2170 was returned to Lyngdorf for repair of a problem I've had from day one. It often would not come out of standby unless I cycled the power. Lyngdorf finally figured out what the problem after denying they had one and repaired mine at no charge including shipping. It now seems to work correctly. And again, thanks to Tony at Ellington HIFI for stepping up and handling this process when the dealer I purchased it from sold itself and no longer was Lyngdorf authorized. Please give Tony a shot at your business. After listening to my top-end Denon HT amp for a while, I now appreciate the Lyngdorf even more. I am spoiled.