If you want to be MARVIN THE MARTIAN and you pull out or supernitrospectometer good for your you! But to talk down to other audiophiles saying we are gullible and foolish because we allegedly believe in snake oil to me is intellectually arrogant!
I ask the question. Because I have had several discussions on Audiogon where certain posters will try to tell another person what they can or can’t hear in a system. Most of the time never hearing or having experiences either the piece of equipment, cables etc. It is usually against those that spend money on more expensive equipment and cabling. Why is this so prevalent.
Showing 24 responses by calvinj
@thecarpathian exactly ! My thoughts exactly! Low self confidence. lol 😂 |
@sns that sounds logical. Exactly! |
@dayglow ooh wee! |
@sls883 the ones that say we are not hearing a difference actually think we are stupid. They think we are all suckers and the are the geniuses WE ARE ROBIN THEY ARE BATMAN!
@rajugsw we can hear a fart from knat! Seriously we can! |
@mrkrichman man you are spot on. We all hear at different levels. We have all different tastes. We all have things we like and things we don’t like. That’s what drives me crazy about these damn know it alls that say we have some kind of scientific condition that we don’t know we have GTFOH! |
@dayglow i understand exactly. I’ve had people attack me like I bombed pearl harbor over my opinion. Look I love refinement, musicality, space between the notes, air and black backgrounds. My system does that in spades. Yes it cost me the price of a car but it brings me joy. That’s all that matters. |
@hilde45 glad that works for you. If it measures perfectly and my ear doesn’t like it. IT’S OUTTA THERE. IT’S USELESS. Music is a get away for me. It’s not work or a science. It’s an experience. Anyone who disagrees with me on that part of it. We are not the same or seeking the same. But if it works for them im not going to judge thier knowledge or experience. Just don’t tell me I’m not hearing what I’m hearing. |
@mylogic exactly. |
@uncleang thats part of it too. We all like different things. Be happy with your preferences. Don’t push your measurements on me. lol. |
@dayglow ive tried a lot of stuff. I been blessed to own and trade up over the years. I’m happy as ever now with my Infigo gear. It was quite the journey getting here. I’ve enjoyed it along the way. I do it for the music. Not to brag. If it don’t sound good it don’t matter. |
@waytoomuchstuff love your last post my brother. |
@dayglow we research the hell out of things before we buy them. My system came about because I got a home demo where it blew my other amp out the water. Started with that and kept building. |
@ps stay on message please. |
@ps stay on message. The same people that tell people what they can and can’t hear. Are the same people that tell people how to ASK THEIR QUESTIONS! |