Bass Suckout in a Square Room - Remedies and Solut

Hi All,

My problem is I've got major mid-band and lower bass suckout with my speakers.
The bass dissapears in the seating position. But if you stand up either side of my sofa the the bass returns.
I would like to hear from anybody who has a similar problem and what solutions they use to eliminate the problem.
I can't move to another room in the house. But this is a dedicated hi-fi room. So there is a degree of flexibility.
Your explanation is a little vague. Room dimensions and speaker/sofa location in the room would help, but you will have to move the speakers or the sofa.
If for any reason you can't move the sofa "WAF" then try using diffusors at the rear and side...the sofa is most likely the cause. I use for my listening seat a comfortable whicker chair. I figure if there is very little material at the listening position then any problem would lie somewhere else.
My room is 14 x 14 x 7 high, LOL. I finally tried a diagonal set up and am much happier. The bass improved immediately. It was deeper and well controlled in comparison to the conventional set up. Also much better imaging.

Good Luck !
Aggielaw, I have had just the opposite happen, with better performance with such a layout. I do sit quite close to the opposite wall which has quite a bit of absorbent room treatment.
The sofa is not the cause. If it is sitting in a null, moving it will not help but I have yet to find a sofa which is such a good bass absorber as to create a null.

Getting the listening position off the back wall and repositioning the speakers is important as is the use of true bass traps (at the intersections of room boundaries) to reduce both nodes and nulls.
