Bass in my room isn't good? Help

I just measured the bass in my room by using the Radio Shack'sound Level Meter (analog)and Stereophile Test 1 (track 20 to 31). All I got for the bass requencies aren't looking smooth, and here is the result
1Kz = 78.5db
200Hz= 78
160Hz= 71.5
125Hz= 78.5
100Hz= 76
80Hz = 76
63Hz = 71
50Hz = 71
40Hz = 79
31.5Hz= 75
By looking at the result, I can see the problem happens at 160,63, and 50Hz. However, when I bought the Buster bass trap, they told me that thier bass trap can control down to 40Hz. My JMlab mini monitor can goes down to 57Hz, so I have to use a JMlab sub which can goes down to 30Hz, and my Classe ssp25 has the cross over requency of 80Hz. Does anybody have any solutions for this problem? I have only 2 Echo bass trap (6'tall), do I need more?
Thank you very much
Ps: I set the meter C weighting, Slow, Range 80. Vollum on my pre-amp was -20db, and the meter was on my seat as same height of my ear when I sit.
1. The dip in 160Hz is probably the speakers fault.

2. The peak in 40Hz is probably the standing wave in your room. Is one of your room demension is 14ft(+-1ft)?

3. I don't think your mini speakers can go down to 57Hz. It will go down to 57Hz but at -7db or more(just a guess). From the data it looks like your mini speakers starting to roll off rapidly after 80Hz. If you set the crossover frequency of the subwoofers at 80Hz, you are probably set it too low and creating a dip(50Hz & 60Hz) in the frequency response. Try to set the x-over point a bit higher, go 100Hz or even 125Hz or more and check it with your Sound Level Meter/Stereophile Test again and again until you get it right(leveling the dip in 50Hz and 60Hz). Also use the volume control in the subwoofer to fine tune the output level.

4. When you do the testing, try to do one test with the Echo bass trap and one without. Compare the result and see what happening.

Interesting case! E-mail me and tell me the result and I can offer you more useful info.
Make sure that if you are sending a signal already crossed over from the Classe ssp25 that the sub is run at full frequency. It is common with home theater systems that this is misunderstood and the sub woofer is also set at the the same frequency. If you are already doing this then it is not adding to your problems. Good luck
Adding to Edle's to-the-point words, the 40Hz/ 160Hz "anomalies" could be due to speaker placement vs. room acoustics.

Is your JM the Mini Utopia? If so, roll-off should be sharp @ a little over 70Hz -- so play with the sub accordingly, as Edle suggests.

Good luck!
Two comments, the low frequency response you measured, while not excellent, is actually quite good. The two dips in response are not particularly serious and you have no real peaks. As a rule peaks are much more objectionable than dips in frequency response. You should play around with speaker placement to see if you could further smooth out the sound. Second, refer to the following:, it gives the corrections for the Radio Shack meter.