recommend a good computer and digital camera?

What do people here use for computers and digital cameras? I need to upgrade for surfing the audio sites and put up photos for my audio gear, of course.
I heard Gateway has quality problems and Dell nickel and dimes you on options. So I was looking at Hewlett-Packard. Is Compaq any good? Any other good brands?
I've been using the throwaway Kodaks on vacations and as much as I hate to get on the camera upgrade bandwagon, blurry photos with NO depth of field is getting too annoying.
For cameras, I've always liked Nikon. J&R sells the 4 mega pixel Coolpix 4300 for $399.99. It takes 8 good pic's or 293 low res pic's. 3x optical zoom sounds useful. Any thoughts on better brands?
And please, only nice people need respond. (sorry, I couldn't resist).
"Being a Mac user is like being a Navy SEAL:
a small, elite group of people with access to
the most sophisticated technology in the world,
who everyone calls on to get the really tough
jobs done quickly and efficiently."
It's not just about speed, but more importantly; stability. The Macs are like the Toyota of computers.
Thanks for all the responses. Yea, I've got to give the audio stuff a break for a while. Besides, my computer goes through 3) error messages before I get to windows. And the "return" key on my keyboard broke off two years ago. I just stuck a tootpick in the hole which works great. Most people can't figure out the toothpick so my computer is "hackproof".
The Mac idea sounds good as I really don't like HP either. I can spend 1K on computer with no monitor.I have used them in the past for desktop publishing but I am concerned about compatibilty with my brand new Oki-data LED printer and other software. How is the learning curve for a Microsoft user? I am familiar with Windows (ugh) and have bought Norton firewall/antivirus, word etc., wordstar and DOS programs for CAD drawings etc. Do I have to get a MAC version and toss my existing software?
Otherwise maybe IBM or Sony?
For the digital camera sounds like Canon and Olympus are good for the cheaper $400 range. As someone mentioned, I am worried about the lag before I can take a picture. Also wasn't it only 2-3 years ago that a .5 megapixel camera cost $400? So what happened to them now, Trashcan? Has the development/ price curve leveled off yet?
Finally the ads say I can get 8 good photos or 200 bad ones. I take maybe 50-80 photos on a vacation. Since there probably won't be a Walmart nearby, I will need to buy more memory sticks. I haven't seen prices on these. Maybe a point and shoot Canon which uses film is more pratical if I'm going to take a lot of photos.
Camera review:

Digicams have come a long way in the last few years. The top consumer cameras are around 8 megapixel and can be had for $800-$1000. Pro cameras are around 14 megapixel and sell for $4000-6000. I saw a prototype 24 megapixel back strapped to a Hasselblanc (hope I spelled that right) last week while in NYC visiting a friend.

Digital film for digicams is inexpensive; I've seen 256MB SD cards selling for under $40.00. That would let you take over 200 pics with a 5 megapixel camera in high-res or over 800 in low res.