Revel Salon 2 vs. Revel Studio 2

I am thinking of either of these as my next speaker. I had some Von Schweikert VR4SRs for a couple of years before this. I have been messing around listening to some smaller speakers and monitors. I want something full range. All that I can read suggests the Revels will perfectly suit my system and tastes (Parasound JC-1 amps). My room is 18x26x8 and is wood floor on joists with carpet (no slab) I've always struggled to get real bass in this room. The VS were pretty good down really low but suffered in the mid bass region. I can pretty much do what I want in this room, but it is my living room so I don't want tube traps and treatments all over it.

I like the idea of the smaller size of the Studios but don't want to sacrifice to much either. Hearing these for myself is out of the question since there is no dealer anywhere near that has them.

Just wondering if anyone has done some real comparing of these and can offer up some advice.

Thanks, Ryan

These are both very good speakers. My suggestion and it is only a suggestion - would be to go for the studio and add a good quality sub. This will best arm yourself to tackle the bass problems in your room which may require some greater freedom with placement. Two cents.
I've heard both the Studio and Salon... but not the II versions. For the $$$, if Revel had to be it, I'd go with Studios... although honestly, I wasn't impressed with either, given their price points at the time. They were running SS throughout, and just sounded dry.. very crisp and resolute, but dry.

Apperance too wasn't my cup of tea, although you sure
won't lose them in a parking lot. They are definitely unique in that regard.

Good luck.
My hunch is that the midbass problems you experienced with the VS speaker is more room related than speaker related. I would hate for you to go buy a brandy new pair of Salon 2s, only to find they have the same problem.

I'd say go for either, but with the assumption that you will somehow need to address the room. This could in involve changing speaker location, changing chair location, adding and integrating a subwoofer, experimenting with room treatments, or any combination of the above.
FWIW - I think you are on the right track if you are having bass problems and desire something "tighter" sounding. The VS speakers are reknowned for their impressive bass but that is not always great if you can't discern the mid bass and lower midrange clearly in your room. I'd go with a sealed sub - again, I'm simply assuming you want punchy bass rather than impressive high SPL resonance.
on a suspended wood floor the lighter speaker will work better, go for the studios...