Second audio system in your house?

Hi, just curious how many of you have a second audio system in your house, and, actually use it? I've recently bought some new components and had planned on selling my old amp, but I'm still attached to it, and with a small investment, say $1000, I could get some bookshelf speakers and a CD player. On the fence about the whole idea. There's a whole lot of other things to do with $1000 mind you, so I'm not sure if it's the most sensible thing to get into. I won't even ask the wife what her opinion is, as I already know it.
Look we often choose to settle for one mate but why be limited to just one system?   Good sound need not cost a lot these days.   And one system does not care if you also love others. 
Yes. 4 rigs.
Main - turntable/ tube amps
Second - digital /tube amps
PC - T-amp
TV - solid state amps 
At one time I had enough gear to build three or four systems. Sadly now space restraints due to a recent move have put the dreaded kibash on my collection even my main system has been scaled down considerably. However once the new house is finished I will have a few sytems from different era’s up and running. I agree with Mapman on this. Why limit yourself to one sytem? You can assemble a nice rig in a spare room for little money If you purchase the right gear.

Good one Mapman.  I have my idea of the super system without losing my mind--read that as a low to middle cost car cost wise.  The other is our home theater system in the family room with AV receiver and all small Paradigm speakers and an Oppo blu-ray player.  Good enough for movies and I let my wife control its use most of the time.  My good system is in the basement and I have a dedicated room which was my wife's idea.   The only problem with that system is going to bed or just leaving that room after a reasonable time.  I have to put a limit on it.