Hard choice, The Denon is just beautiful.....way back when, I sold the Technics, but 90% of them went out of our shop with some type of mod... The one we used in the shop was just tricked out.... incredible amount of damping, litz wired arm with a heat shrink damped arm tube, etc etc... My only time with the Denon was when my brother inherited one not working, he brought it to my house and I disassembled it, found a few issues and made the repairs. I really wanted to dive in with at least properly dampening that table, but never did..... It sounded decent, I had the stock arm with the S tube, I mounted an AT440OCC on it.....I would love to keep that beautiful table and if were mine, I probably would.... add a lot of damping in key areas and a new tonearm cable at minimum, but I bet they would be on par. One thing though, that straight arm is a low mass arm and would require a higher compliance cartridge than the technics....Not sure if that would influence your decision, I would prefer the heavier S tube. good luck, hard decision, Tim