Shindo Labs Amps and Preamps

I have a pair of DeVore Fidelity Orangutan O/96 loudspeakers and am considering purchasing a Shindo Labs amp. and preamp. to pair with them.  I've been working with a very nice and helpful dealer who has recommended an amp. and preamp pair, but to optimize the combo it looks like I also need at least one Auditorium 23 Hommage SUT, as well as Auditorium 23 or Shindo interconnects and speaker cables.  The total cost is high (approximately $30K to $40K) so I'd like to get some opinions on whether Shindo is really that much better sounding than another amp and preamp pair for my loudspeakers.  Unfortunately, I don't live close enough to the dealer to listen for myself before purchasing.  I don't mind paying a premium and don't want to offend anyone by asking this question, but is Shindo really worth the cost in terms of sound and build quality?  Thank you for your time and assistance. 
I listened to some Shindo gear at Don Better Audio in Shaker Heights, Ohio a few years back. Also heard the Leben gear, Audio Note speakers and Devore Fidelity speakers. I ended up buying a Line Magnetic Audio amp (because that was the limit of my budget), but the Shindo equipment was superb in every way. I think Ken Shindo had passed in early 2014. I can say if I come into mucho dinero I might buy his Shindo/Garrard 301 turntable.

The Shindo and Devore combination with a quality turntable was very, very musical and warm sounding. A very inviting sound that one could listen for days... with that system. I would look at the upper end Line Magnetic gear, since you also get great sounding gear but not as high in price. The LM Audio gear to my ears had a better sound than Rogue, Primaluna or ARC. The LM Audio 218ia and the 219ia SET amps are very musical.
Yes I did. Audio Note and Devore Fidelity are really fine with lower powered tube amps. You cannot go wrong with either brand. I only had a short listening session with the Audio Note speakers.
It’s kinda funny because higher powered tube amps and SS amps with hard to drive speakers sound great, but many audiophiles can miss the marvelous sound often achieved when matching great lower powered tube amps to very efficient quality speakers, like AN.
I also listened to the LM Audio field coil speaker. Just a work of art. Take a look here
..... so beautiful and paired with a good analog front end. HEAVEN!
I think the biggest barrier regarding Line Magnetic is their Chinese orgin,  for some people this is a problem.  If judged purely on their sound quality they are considered high tier and serious audio products.  Many comments from owners and formal reviews are strong confirmation. . 
Cool I have some Audio Note speakers on order and AN/Jlx's very excited for them to arrive thanks for the thoughts!