Crazy to buy a 17 year old CD Player?

My ARC CD2 just died...I think the laser finally gave up the ghost.  Any how I've got thousands of red book CDs in my library and need a replacement player.  I'm thinking an ARC CD 3MKII or the Mark Levinson 390S.  Am I crazy to be thinking this?  Got a budget of around $2000.00.  My system, though dated, is made up of higher end stuff: ARC 25 pre amp, ARC VT 150 mono amps, VPI TNT IV, Wilson Witts, all running through Transparent Reference (Balanced).
Within you budget I would suggest the Oppo also. If you can go higher I suggest the PSADUDIO DSP. Incredible unit!!!
To the OP question, Yes it would be crazy to buy a 17 year old cdp.
chances are the laser or transport won't last and be difficult to replace as many have noted.  More importantly the DAC probably won't be as good as many that are obtainable on your budget and you won't have flexibility going forward if you wish to branch into other digital sources.
  The Oppo 205 makes a lot of sense.  It is 60% of your budget.
it has a really good DAC.  It will play DVDs and Blu Rays.  it will add a bunch of options that you may never wish to use, but if you do, you're covered, namely: multichannel, computer audio, and streaming.  It has good customer service, which you probably won't get on a 17 year old CDP
I'll second the POV of the respondent who recommended OPPO.  Both the 105 and the 205 have state of the art DACs, and upsample everything to 192/24 and play DSD in native format, including (if you wish) multi-channel analog output. 

I love ARC gear (use some myself) but the OPPO makes virtually ALL high-end CD players obsolete, from a pricing standpoint as well as from a sound standpoint.  Don't be misled by those who claim it has to be wired into a home-theatre system.  It requires a simple TV connection for set-up.  Once that is done and you have it in "pure audio" mode, it is simply a disk player.
Question.   Why would you burn your entire budget on just a CD player alone when you can get a good unit and then spend the remaining budget on a nice DAC? Especially when you could possibly get a PSA unit that allows firmware upgrades?  I suppose it makes sense if you are absolutely sure the unit is going to produce a sound you are satisfied with and you don't want to mess with other hardware for some reason.

I am also in the market for a new transport but I did a quick compare with my current cheapo sony blue ray/cd player vs the new CA CXC transport and there was absolutely no compelling reason to switch.  I would really like to get my hands on a used PSA DSMP and see what that sounds like. 
I JUST ordered a amazing condition Pioneer Elite DV-79AVI to use as my main cd player.

heard good things. as long as it sounds better than my dv-48av and roteldvd-1040 and the 4 other cd players which failed on me in the last 10 months, i will be just fine.

its an old unit, but from what i hear, they are reliable, and sound better than 2-3X their price point!!