Most accurate way to adjust for correct vta on vpi classic 1

Looking for suggestions to get correct vta on my classic 1. Right now it appears that the bottom of my cartridge is parallel to the lp, however this is to my eye. I do not believe I'm hearing the definition I'm wanting out of my LP's?  
I use the lines on an index card to level the arm, do not tighten arm down and reach around to the side of the arm and turn the big knurled nut to raise or lower the arm while playing, he careful not to bump arm during this process and set the arm by ear, when your there tighten Allen screws and knurled nut. Enjoy.
to cleeds
I used what came with the table from vpi. To my eye, those alignments and overhangs are correct. Thank you for your reply.
I've had my Classic 1 for nearly 8 years.

Eyeball the cart level, call it a day.

Maybe bump it up/down if you can actually hear improvement...but what about that thinner used copy you picked up?

Use the best phono stage /cart you can afford, then you will hear what the fuss is all about.

You're going to drive yourself mad trying to figure out what's "right"

If your arm does not allow for VTA on the fly, it will always be different depending on the thickness of the record.  That's just part of analog. If things sound a little dull, you can try raising the back of the arm slightly or change the tracking force a bit.  The tracking force sometimes makes a big difference.  Some people cannot live with the variables present in the analog world - always obsessing about adjustments until it becomes a source of stress instead of enjoyment.  Just goes with the territory.