There is a reason why Enjoy the Music, Stereomojo, Tim Smith, 6 Moons and his Wall of Sound review have given the Tektons (various models) high praise and Awards. Scott Hull in Part-Time as well, amongst many others. Those synth bass tracks would not be clipping with the Tektons, they would sound glorious; the mids and highs too.
There was a few years back an extremely long thread about the Tekton Lore, with many different A-gon members singing Tekton praises with over 10-14 pages of mostly positive comments. That is where these speakers came to my attention and I decided to take a flyer on them. So, now I own 3 models, the 4.5 monitors, M-Lore and Lore. They are very good, well balanced and would likely sound great with the An Kit-1 IMHO. You must read the various reviews and comments on these speakers, they reflect the truth(s) about these speakers. The Awards and positive comments are not hyperbole, or due to large ad budgets, but word-of-mouth praise by the knowledgeable audiophile.
The above mentioned reviewers have listened to the best equipment out there. They have given the Tektons high praise. I hate saying it this way, but so have I. I've been fortunate to have owned or listened extensively to some great speakers, starting with my parents big Tannoy, KLH9s, Bozaks, JBLs. Since college, Dynaco A25, Advents, more KLH, Yamaha, Heil, Walsh, Spendor, Magnepans, Quad 57s, Rogers LS3/5, Kef 104, C30 and C40, I believe, Vandersteen 1Bs, 2CE, Sound Dynamics 300ti, Infinity, Harbeth, Fried, too many to list. My point, the Tektons with 93-98 db efficiency, easy 8ohm impedance, great bass down to 34hz with the Lore, lower with some other models, low relative cost, is an astoundingly great gift to the audiophile, especially those with a moderate budget or low-power SET amps.
There is a reason why Enjoy the Music, Stereomojo, Tim Smith, 6 Moons and his Wall of Sound review have given the Tektons (various models) high praise and Awards. Scott Hull in Part-Time as well, amongst many others. Those synth bass tracks would not be clipping with the Tektons, they would sound glorious; the mids and highs too.
There was a few years back an extremely long thread about the Tekton Lore, with many different A-gon members singing Tekton praises with over 10-14 pages of mostly positive comments. That is where these speakers came to my attention and I decided to take a flyer on them. So, now I own 3 models, the 4.5 monitors, M-Lore and Lore. They are very good, well balanced and would likely sound great with the An Kit-1 IMHO. You must read the various reviews and comments on these speakers, they reflect the truth(s) about these speakers. The Awards and positive comments are not hyperbole, or due to large ad budgets, but word-of-mouth praise by the knowledgeable audiophile.
The above mentioned reviewers have listened to the best equipment out there. They have given the Tektons high praise. I hate saying it this way, but so have I. I've been fortunate to have owned or listened extensively to some great speakers, starting with my parents big Tannoy, KLH9s, Bozaks, JBLs. Since college, Dynaco A25, Advents, more KLH, Yamaha, Heil, Walsh, Spendor, Magnepans, Quad 57s, Rogers LS3/5, Kef 104, C30 and C40, I believe, Vandersteen 1Bs, 2CE, Sound Dynamics 300ti, Infinity, Harbeth, Fried, too many to list. My point, the Tektons with 93-98 db efficiency, easy 8ohm impedance, great bass down to 34hz with the Lore, lower with some other models, low relative cost, is an astoundingly great gift to the audiophile, especially those with a moderate budget or low-power SET amps.