"Rebbi, for the sake of De Capo owners in the future looking to experiment with SET it may be beneficial to explain why this thread took the turn it has. Earlier in the thread you commented that the power issue had "been put to bed."
Good question and fair enough. I think I spoke too soon in that earlier comment. Additionally, when I said what I said, I was still entertaining the possibility that I'd messed up something in the build or perhaps gotten a bad tube. I finally figured out (with Brian's of ANK's help) that the amp was fine but that a few of my favorite tracks from a couple of albums that I've been keeping in heavy rotation would overtax the amp to distortion if I played them at accustomed volumes.
For a great deal of what I've listened to so far, the combination sounds marvelous! I know this is a threadbare cliché, but I find myself wanting to just sit and listen; it's like I'm being reintroduced to music I've been listening to for years, but in a deeper way.
And yes, the "issue has been put to bed" in the sense that if you don't listen to modern, electronic music, and your listening room is small to medium-small, and you're not a total head banger intent on ruining your hearing entirely, the De Capo / Kit 1 combo might make you very happy for a very long time. But, if any of these things doesnÂt' apply to you, then I think (and my opinion on this may change over time, so "for now") that the suitability of the De Capo's with any 8.5 Watt 300B SET amp is "borderline."
It just so happens that I hit the limits of the pairing early on because I threw some pop music at them that - with "subterranean," hip-hop flavored synth bass - caused the Kit 1 to run out of steam and distort at moderate (in my judgment) volumes. It's like I got the "bad news" early on, and then discovered the good news later in spades. Does that make sense?
As I was listening to a "guilty pleasure" Michael Franks LP from the early 1980's tonight, not expecting much except that I liked the tunes and the musicianship, I was flabbergasted (truly) with what the Kit 1 did with that album. The music was involving and sounded beautiful in a way I've never heard it sound in the 22 years since I bought that LP. I kept thinking, "Oh, so THAT'S what the recording engineer had in mind!" The Kit 1 managed to extract a hidden beauty out of that record that I didn't know was there.
By the way, what PP amp did you end up pairing with the DC's?