Zu Soul Superfly

I just ordered a pair of the new Zu speakers on a whim. I was going to wait for information, but the fact that they threw in the free superfly upgrades to the first 30 people got me.

From a similar thread it sounds like some of you guys have heard the speaker despite information only being released today. I'm wondering what you can share about it?

Also, I am really hoping it works with a Firstwatt F1 amplifier. Can anyone comment as to that? I know the Druid's and Essences worked OK.
Avonessence: I have druids in standard matt black, which may be similar to cosmic graphite, and i think they look very nice.

Phil: Did not mean to open can of worms with my question. And let me stress again, I do not care too much about the graphs, and I very much like Zu for tone and dynamics.

Better integration with supertweeter would definitely help with freq response in HF.

But I do not think it tells us about 60Hz-200Hz! This though is being ridiculous as in room measurement at seated position is what is important here and that will vary room to room.
And I appreciate you looking into this, and Sean for clarifying! Sean is one of the good guys for sure.
Zanon: When I first heard the Zu Druids they were in the same Matt Black, and they do look nice, but when you hear that sound come out of them, the fit and finish become secondary to me.
My first pair of Druids were in gloss black as are my current Essence speakers (there was no difference in price to us on this side of the pond at the time, where there is now), if it were the matt black or the cosmic carbon I would be happy as it is a reasonably neutral colour, and the performance of the Zu speakers make them disappear visually to me.
I think any paint finish/colour (within reason) on the Zu speakers looks very good.

In addition, Zu offering to do other customized finishes is something that we do not find with manufacturers in the UK. The manufacturers in the UK are a bit reserved when it comes to finishes.
Some of us have to factor in the WAF regardless of our own views on the subject. Left to my own devices it'd be Ferrari Red but there are other considerations. I've owned one pair of speakers for 20 years and my intent is that this next pair will be in situ for a similar period. Will I be in the same house with the same decor by then? Who knows? What I do know is that my hobby is indulged subject to WAF and that I myself want something acceptable to look at when they're not playing music. As soon as Zu get more pictures up and, better still, I get to dem a pair then I'll make a decision but not before.


PS: Phil, what sort of music have you listened to on the Soul and what insights did it give you?
Mike: Your patience and resolve is to be thoroughly respected and is admirable.

Music is an integral part of the WAF, and as Phil says is there for all to enjoy.

Interesting and enlightening times are ahead when the Soul's land in the UK.