No, Zu does not use multi-level marketing. I believe there was an attempt a few years ago to pay owners to demo in their own homes to help get the word out in lieu of having real dealers. However, as I understand, that was met with limited success. As far as I know, that hasn't happened in quite awhile.
What have you read that suggests this may be true?
So far you've asked if people here are Zu employees, now you're asking if there might be another explanation.
Is it possible that people just like their Zu speakers?
No, Zu does not use multi-level marketing. I believe there was an attempt a few years ago to pay owners to demo in their own homes to help get the word out in lieu of having real dealers. However, as I understand, that was met with limited success. As far as I know, that hasn't happened in quite awhile.
What have you read that suggests this may be true?
So far you've asked if people here are Zu employees, now you're asking if there might be another explanation.
Is it possible that people just like their Zu speakers?