You have again missed the point. Clearly the issue here as been the contrast between those who stick to a purely "subjective" paradigm where one's own subjective assessment is the ultimate arbiter of any audio claim, vs those who hold some suspicion of that sole approach, and who also look to objective evidence for claims as well as acknowledging the usefulness of controls like blind testing.
You seem to remain stubbornly in the former camp.
I did so when it comes to fuses. After my experience with different
brands on my previous integrated, it was apparent that they made a
difference. With my latest integrated, I went in "knowing" it would and
much to my surprise, they didn't. In fact, the one that came with it
sounded the best.
As for raising cables, as I've already stated,
I've never heard that big a difference, if any, all those years ago. It
was only from reading this thread that I thought I'd try it and the
difference was plainly evident, and much for the better.
So, in other words, to my question as to whether you ever went outside your own subjective "bubble" the answer is "no." You've simply stuck to exactly the same paradigm where your own subjectivity will trump anything else.
Whereas I have used the subjectivist paradigm and also pushed myself outside of it to question my own beliefs and perceptions, by trying blind testing, and acknowledging the technical arguments against some of the claims made in high end audio.
You seem stuck in a subjectivist bubble unwilling to challenge your own paradigm, but like to pretend that the "naysayers" are the ones stuck in a bubble.
As for the tangental, metaphysical argument of do I really hear what I think I'm hearing malarkey, don't go there.
At your command! Wouldn't want to challenge your bubble.
I've seen you do this to others as of late which I found a bit distasteful and led me to contribute less as a result.
Sure, you have no qualms about describing those you disagree with as exhibiting "projection" and "bias" and going to ridiculous lengths to stay in their "bubble."
But should anyone challenge your critique with arguments against it, get all sensitive and "don't go there" and consider this "browbeating."
This thread is asking if raising cables of the floor REALLY makes a big difference. This is a public forum, not a church. You will get different opinions on the subject, and people will give their reasons for their opinions. I'm happy to hear your views, none of which have made me cringe away from wanting to post because they challenge my own opinions.
If you are so sensitive in the face of encountering opinions that may be at odds with what you hold to be personally sacred in audio, you may wish to grow a thicker skin and re-calibrate your expectations for public discussions. Otherwise, you'll probably just keep producing more straw-man critiques in an effort to protect your bubble.
And if you enjoy playing with fuses, power cables etc, : Enjoy. Doesn't affect how I enjoy my system.