@rooze What erik squires posted above. To that, I think it is very important to match a sub woofers resolving capability and speed to the main speakers that are being utilized. This is why I very much like what the REL subs can do. Firstly, you can hook up a REL to the high level input which means that they are connected to your amps outputs (just like your main speakers..as such they see exactly the same signal as the mains) and secondly REL offers some very fast and tonally accurate subs that can be made to easily match up with your mains...and your room.
Personally, whenever I have heard Hsu's, they do not have much in the way of definition...and as such tend to deliver bass heft, but not bass resolution. ( which is great for HT, but not so much for our audio systems).
I would see if you can hear a REL ( or a pair, as they tend to minimize room nodes) and go from there.
Personally, whenever I have heard Hsu's, they do not have much in the way of definition...and as such tend to deliver bass heft, but not bass resolution. ( which is great for HT, but not so much for our audio systems).
I would see if you can hear a REL ( or a pair, as they tend to minimize room nodes) and go from there.