Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
I wonder if I put magical risers under my drum kit would change the sound?
Not even in the same ball park. If that is what passes for snark, then I despair for my fellow man. Keep up the drumming though......

All the best,

Maybe your just not a very good drummer...☺
Why are you bashing an idea you refuse to try?
Especially since you can test it out for little or no cost.....
Because he is obviously too lazy or too jaded or just trolling or just doesn’t care about the sound quality of his system and then has the arrogance to criticize a tweak he hasn’t even tried even though it costs almost nothing (or $0.00) and takes a matter of minutes to determine its efficacy. I love it when people "judge" something without any basis for that judgement. Ultimate hypocrisy. As Forest Gump said, stupid is as stupid does.

What do you think is actually happening when you raise your cables from your floor?   What was affecting the sound with the cables on the floor?  How?  With what effects?

If for instance you are posting some constant sonic effect on the signal, what’s the explanation?   If it’s some constant background noise, presumably if you have your system on without music playing you should be able to hear this “noise.”

Do you?

 I have cable running through walls and along shag rugs.  I can’t hear a thing coming from my speakers when music isn’t playing so what might I expect to hear a difference with cables raised?
Gee, that’s the $64K question I’ve been asking for months with no real answer. What is the audio signal in cables and what makes it susceptible to external vibration and or static electric charge?