Small room amp and speakers recommendation

I have an area in allocated in my new house for a listen room that is approximately 7ft x 12ft x 10 ceilings....i know it's small, hut it's all mine away from the kids. I am look for advice/recommendations on an amp and speakers for that area. I want to keep the budget under $5k (the lower the better). I listen to a lot of vinyl and a majority or my preferred music is acoustic with some rock mixed in on occasion. Please let me know what you think and if you have an other questions on my desired set-up.
Thank you

I agree with Yogiboy.

I think the Harbeth P3esr speakers and the Rogue Sphinx would serve you well with the music you prefer. You could even go with a used Rogue Cronus Magnum , if you would prefer a tube integrated.

If you can get to Brooklyn, I would suggest visiting Bache and listen to these:

I picked up my Tribeca speakers a few days ago and they sound wonderful. They are less expensive than the Audio Physic Tempo Plus speakers I have but much better sounding, IMO.  I also prefered them over the Harbeth M30.2's.  And I also have Quad 57s.
Harbeth P3's, or possibly any of the LS3/5 derivatives. As I type,I'm listening to a pair of Graham Chartwell LS 3/5's in a similarly small room. (9x13x8)  The sound,to my ears,very addictive. 

   You also may want to look into Fritz speakers. I have never heard them myself,but I have never read a bad thing about them. You also hardly ever see them for sale on the used market. I think that speaks volumes.
A pair of Vandy VLR's, and a Belles Aria integrated. If buying new, you'll probably get a nice discount over regular retail price.

If you want streaming source, add a Bluesound Node and Ayre Codex.
These you could buy used and save a bit of cash.
The VLR's could use a sub, but if set up properly, you could get by until funds allow- though I heard them with a set of AQ William Tell speaker cables and felt subs weren't necessary, though unfortunately, they do cost a bit. Once again, something you could add on later.

I have commented many times on the Parts express Solstice kit.  It comes complete and is fairly simple to put together and is a hard core bargain in parts and sound quality. Of course there are many options at the price, but I have to agree with @corelli