I agree with Yogiboy.
I think the Harbeth P3esr speakers and the Rogue Sphinx would serve you well with the music you prefer. You could even go with a used Rogue Cronus Magnum , if you would prefer a tube integrated.
Small room amp and speakers recommendation
If you can get to Brooklyn, I would suggest visiting Bache and listen to these: https://bacheaudio.com/portfolios/lexington-ave-001/ I picked up my Tribeca speakers a few days ago and they sound wonderful. They are less expensive than the Audio Physic Tempo Plus speakers I have but much better sounding, IMO. I also prefered them over the Harbeth M30.2's. And I also have Quad 57s. |
Harbeth P3's, or possibly any of the LS3/5 derivatives. As I type,I'm listening to a pair of Graham Chartwell LS 3/5's in a similarly small room. (9x13x8) The sound,to my ears,very addictive. You also may want to look into Fritz speakers. I have never heard them myself,but I have never read a bad thing about them. You also hardly ever see them for sale on the used market. I think that speaks volumes. |
A pair of Vandy VLR's, and a Belles Aria integrated. If buying new, you'll probably get a nice discount over regular retail price. If you want streaming source, add a Bluesound Node and Ayre Codex. These you could buy used and save a bit of cash. The VLR's could use a sub, but if set up properly, you could get by until funds allow- though I heard them with a set of AQ William Tell speaker cables and felt subs weren't necessary, though unfortunately, they do cost a bit. Once again, something you could add on later. Bob |