Diminishing Returns

I’ve reached a point, after much tweaking in my system thanks to Audiogon, I’m moving away from the forum. I’ve gotten to a place where I’m so satisfied with my system that further improvements, while I’m sure they will work, I don’t care.  I used to read  with great interest the weekly listing of the most popular posts.  I’m now finding it boring.  I think It’s time to get off the Merry-Go-Round.
Aside from the “Music” posts” that will be it.
You're in a an admirable spot.

I've been comfortable with my system for a few seasons. No urge to replace anything, other than a  phono cart, which I recently did-2nd Audio Technica ART9, for a great price.

All is well, in audio world. I am just on the perpetual hunt for "stampers" in the bins of my neighborhood record stores.

Rekkids, rekkids and more rekkids!

I do enjoy reading the AN threads(audio nervosa) about  contentious subjects. Fun reading.
To everyone else,

If I came across as being judgmental,  I sincerely apologize.  That certainly wasn't my intent. 
It's nice to be at peace with yourself and listening to music.  Just finding the joy and stimulation music can bring is enough.  I was there for about 18 years while my kids were growing up and out with their own families.  I had basketball to coach and watch and help my kids play the game they also loved.  The music was a nice diversion then.  I hope to return to those days very soon.  Although it is intensely fun finding something that makes a considerable difference for the positive in my own system.  It's also great fun meeting fellow 'philes, music lovers, and now in some cases, good friends.

Good luck to you rvpiano!