Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
It is not necessary to look for apocalyptic information in bible or in some fools sectarian delirium, left or right...

National geographic is not Nature, but it is not religious stuff no more than it is sectarian prophecies...

If insects decline does not alert you, change your field of study, or better, enjoy life and quit science; audio field is a good idea tough, not too complicated, but anyway a bit more complicated than we all think, nevermind, we can all fuck... :)
nutella216 posts01-18-2020 7:34am
Global historical records from NOAA are the basis for the charts and models indicated in that article in the op.
Fact or hack?
There are legitimate concerns here and need to be either accepted or dismissed based on facts. Unfortunately the response comes as personal insults and name calling and not debating facts.

There you go. Ask yourself this, people. If man-made climate change is such an impending catastrophe, why would the government propose that gigantic industries be allowed to purchase some "carbon credits", to the tune of hundreds of millions, or billions, of dollars, rather than address the "issue"?
Post removed 
For heavens sake builder3, American Thinker ?? Really? The site that reports conspiracy theories and pseudoscience? If you want to understand  how carbon credits help reduce emissions try wikipedia. This is worse than trying to discuss evolution with creationists. 
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