What other Hobbies or Interests Do You Have?

I was curious as to what other Hobbies or Interests do you have that also take up much of your time, energy and money or is Audio the only one for you?
Being a car enthusiast is definitely my first passion. Always reading about new cars and lusting after some classics.

For me, besides my interest in building a Audio System in the past few years, I am also a Car Enthusiast and Amateur Photographer (actually I hate using that term, more like a photo enthusiast because I consider myself a novice).
All 3 Hobbies have taken much of my time, energy and money. Sometimes I look back and think, wow, what have I done?
Could have saved all that money and time.
So I guess I should list my gear if I am talking about other hobbies:

2016 Mustang GT 6 Speed (weekend car, a few modifications) and 2018 Subaru Forester XT (Daily Driver). Obviously both are performance oriented.

Camera Gear: Nikon D750 with Kit Lense, Nikon 50mm 1.8 Lense, Tamron 14-24MM 2.8G

I have plants all over the house. I keep a garden in the summer. I read. I go hiking when I have time, even in winter. 
Geoff, i'm sure you were a noodling needler at age two. A natural talent evolved is beauty to behold. Kudos! 
Cooking, high end pots pans knives and all of that. And or course a foodie. 
Geoff- all kidding aside, that is a really nice bike!! Perhaps when your Brooks saddle breaks in....   Grannyring- when you stop being such a foodie you may be able to get out of granny-gear. (just kidding Bill:) I'm sure you'd out sprint me at your
any given whim (currently:). I'd been on very long hiatus from road biking, vow to get back this Spring. Biemmezeta Chronostar, Alan Carbonio, both 80's (still building) and Late 60's Cinelli Supercorsa (full original) Velominati Rules