Whats in your second system?

Just curious as to the people who like myself have many thousands "invested" in their main system with all the latest tweaks, cables etc and also have a second or even third system.

Did you assemble that with the same love and care and dedication and costly tweaks?

Or did you throw something together from bargain bins or indeed your old leftovers and then sat back and thought...Wow this sounds really good!

And if so did that get you thinking on the main system...lol.

My second system cost way less than the speaker cables on my main system but I am constantly shocked at just how nice it sounds for such a no frills setup.

Linn Classic all in one
Tannoy 2 ellipse small floorstanders
20 year old (at least) Jensen 50w 8 inch sub.
Monster Cable 12/2 speaker cable bare wire ends.
Home brewed power cord just cos I had it laying around.

The Linn just sits on top of a chest of drawers with the Tannoys flanking the chest either side and the lil sub sitting behind the chest.

And it sounds darn good tbh!
Very nice Greg.
I always thought those Vincent amps were a great deal and very under appreciated.
The Harbeths must sound excellent in near field in that rig.
Congratulations on a very nicely executed system.
Thanks Mesch.

So you do literally roll it outside indeed!

Do Not think I have ever seen or heard that before.

For when I want to listen by the pool or hot tub I have an el cheapo Bluetooth speaker I takeout and stream from my phone or tablet to on Qobuz or similar.
Cheap and cheerful but good enough for the occasion.
Uber, the Vincent is really nice.  I was using an Audio Research Vsi55 integrated in this system, but didn't like the amount of heat it put out in this small space.  The Vsi55 sounds a _little_ better, but moving to the Vincent was not a "downgrade" in my opinion.  I forgot to mention I also have a SVS  SB2000 sub sitting next to my computer desk to flesh out the Harbeths.
Yea, it is about a 10 minute process to set up. However it serves an entire afternoon/evening session. 

I once had a Vincent SV-226 integrated. Wish I never sold it. I would be using it in my 2ndary system now. The Pathos serves well however. It does draw more attention. 
Living Rooom Second System:

Janszen zA2.1 Valentina speakers
Modwright Oppo Sonics streamer/Dac
Linear Tube Audio ZOTL40 amp
Linear Tube Audio MZ3 pre
streaming from 10 TB NAS
Audioquest type 4 speaker cable 40’
Cetious Tech Matrix power and interconnects
P10 Regenerator