Revel’s Sound Signature

Nowadays, there are few and far between good audio stores to demo new speakers. There used to be several in my town years back. I am curious as to what currrent brand(s) people think come closest to Revel. 
Also, do you think that NHT and Paradigm have somewhat of the same sound signature? 

Modern Wilson’s (but not earlier generation) and Monitor Audio are not too far off. The Revel’s off-axis response and imaging is really good, so it shares that with modern Magico, but doesn’t have the coolness or mid bass bump of the Magicos I hear.

Last time I heard NHT it was a real R&R speaker, I would not have characterized Paradigm that way at all, but my experience with both is limited. Actually I remember NHT being a real ear drill. Closer to Dali, but harsh, as opposed to just more treble.

I use Revels in one system and Monitor Audio in another.  There is a wide difference between the systems and a wide price gap between the speakers.  However, I chose and enjoy both because they appeal to me in the same ways.  I don't know what models you are considering but I think the MAs are much, much closer to the Revels than either Paradigm or NHT.
To me the Revel Ultima line (Salon / Studio) sound is accurate but dry.  Far from Monitor or Paradigm and as Eric mentioned above similar to current Wilson designs.  Like with the Wilson's, bring lots of power with good current capability to get them going.
I think the persona series is akin to the Ultimas. There is a grandiosity to Salons, though, that is hard to replicate. I think are similarities to JBL Synthesis line as well, in that they both dry, big and dynamic.    
Nowadays, there are few and far between good audio stores to demo new speakers.
I wonder that phenomenal myself.  I've read a study that show younger generations don't really care for "cars" as much and for them "cars" are just something to get from point A to point B.  I wonder if it has to do with the Internet.  Younger people are probably using the Internet as a mean for "escape" so music reproduction (such as a hi-fi system) is not that important to them.