John Prine, singer, songwriter, legend - Dead at 73 from COVID-19

John Prine, singer, songwriter, legend - Dead at 73 from COVID-19

My sympathy goes out to his family, friends and millions of admiring fans. This makes me very sad. He was, by all accounts, a wonderful person. He will be missed.
Sitting here spinning some JP with alligator tears in my eyes ...
Alligator tears? Why alligator tears?

Or, maybe, you don’t know what "alligator tears" means.
Favorite songs -

Clay Pigeons
In Spite of Ourselves

plus many more ..... He will be missed.
@tablejockey,@cleeds, well I certainly have misused the term alligator tears in my response to JPs death but leave it to you two for the clarity, after all someone has to be that person or persons. 
RIP John
he gave back to generations of songwriters 
hope he is tearing it up just past the border of heaven