British sound???


I see few threads talk about 'british sound'.
What exactly is it?

Naim, Linn, Exposure are good examples for British electronics. plenty of PRAT, natural mid-range with little emphasis on the deep bass or sound stage.
Aberyclark, I forgot to say, it would still be hard to picture the mids they're famous for, trying the EQ experiment.
Read Robert E. Green's review of the Spendor 1/2 or Harbeth Compact 7 speakers. This should give you a pretty good idea of the British sound.

You can find the reviews here:

Spendor 1/2

Harbeth Compact 7
Just listening to my newly acquired Spendor 1/2s, and the British sound can be summed up with one word: Good.
The "British sound" is also characterized by a small dip in the presence region (2-4K hertz) which will have the effect of emphasizing the midrange and making things less "edgy".