End of the World system

So here's a question.   You and your loved ones are the last one's on earth. Your fully stocked with a cabin in the woods, renewable energy, and food for a life time.  The roads are out, and there's no place to get gas.

The remains of a high-end store are 20 miles away. What do you bring home, assuming you have to actually carry it back?
I already have a cabin on a lake. The only cabin on the lake, with the only access being two ruts that pass as a road. No electricity, propane for lighting and cooking, a wood burning stove for heat. Good fishing and hunting all around. No need for a stereo or music for that matter. Silence is golden.

I wouldn’t miss civilization ever. Well, not until I need stitches or to mend a broken bone. But even then, a sewing kit and splint would do fine, I just know it. I’ve seen it in the mooovies.

we might miss music, but we’d have a fiddle, spoons and a kettle bass. Rock on!

Alaskan nickel or copper  cones  3/8 inches (10 dollars)

weight:  few grams...

Power:  transforming the acoustics...
So here’s a question. You and your loved ones are the last one’s on earth. Your fully stocked with a cabin in the woods, renewable energy, and food for a life time. The roads are out, and there’s no place to get gas.

The remains of a high-end store are 20 miles away. What do you bring home, assuming you have to actually carry it back?

Dude?! Reality check?? We’re the last one’s on Earth! We do not live in a cabin in the woods. We hike on down to the local gun shop and get armed, because with no human beings around its just a matter of time before the mountain lions and grizzly bears take back their territory. Besides, Great Plains, we can live off the buffalo. Then we look around for the best transportation, preferably at this stage a Porsche Cayenne Turbo S but we’ll take what we can find.

Then we head out to locate the best RV with max solar and lithium batteries. Then we spend the rest of our lives seeing all the wonderful nature of the whole planet Earth. Like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day I learn to sing and play the piano. But its too big and heavy for the RV so I pick up a Strad and learn to play the violin. My loved one becomes a master chef. Together we re-write the Kama Sutra. We enjoy all the best wine and liquor anywhere ever. We spend a week at Graceland. Oh, maybe somewhere along the way we might pick up a sweet little SET bookshelf system for the RV. Or not. Why bother? Any time we want really good sound just jaunt on over to CA, Ted Denney got it all set up for us.

Why? What would you do? Stay cooped up in your dopey little cabin in the woods? With the whole planet to yourselves? Well suit yourself. We got better things to do.