Schiit Freya+(Plus)

Freya+ users:

For me, sending DAC input through tube output clearly adds warmth, bloom, punch, musicality, presence.
However, when used with analog inputs (TT, FM, cassette), the tubes (current stock JJ 6SN7 supplied with the unit) sound too lush, rather over the top, sometimes frankly bloated. I mean at equal volume (not volume SETTING).

Despite balanced output to power amp, the SS buffer stage sounds inferior to pure passive mode. So it's tubes with
DAC, passive with analog, SS buffer with nothing.

Questions: (1) does my experience sound typical?
(2) should I experiment with rolling Tung-Sols or other recommended upgrade tube?
(3) does any of this bespeak some peculiarity elsewhere in the chain?

Advance thanks for diagnoses/suggestions.

Ok I started a discussion, not realizing this one was here. I need a little advise, on valves. I’m not very familiar with the tube complement in the Freya +. I heard this unit off and on for over a month with stock valves.
I could see it was quite a little nugget. I’m a planar person, and lean towards the sound of RCAs and Telefunkens and the older GEs. I think the one I ordered is voiced with EH.

I certainly don’t want to spend another fortune on valves, figuring it all out.
I listen to a lot of Island music, salsa, flamingo, latin and smooth jazz.
Honestly though, I’ll listen to anything BUT Yoko Ono.. no Yoko Ono..

I’m a Mcintosh guy from birth, I was raised on Mac and JBL, and have a full complement of vintage Mac gear.. My C2500, I pulled out service for a repair. I side by sided this little SF+ with some pretty great gear. I still came back again and again for another listen.. I like it.. I use class a-z when it comes to amps. I’m a tube guy but not a snob. I like valves but, summer is coming, so it will be class d for 4 months or so. Cary, Mcintosh, VTL, I use them all.  I'm leaning towards Cary lately for valves.

Valve suggestions, that aren’t a bloody fortune. If your use to the sounds of the the above valves, what’s sonically close. Smooth top to bottom, but more MB, and MID forward. The highs gotta be clean, not bright, (Sylvania kind of bright).


I'm a Freya+(no need to add the word "Plus" after Freya+) owner, and I've had it for several months now.  I've tried it with 3 different amps and 5 different pairs of speakers, plus 3 different sets of speaker cables and some interconnect changes.

The Schiit piece sounds really good with all of it.  I can hear the weaknesses of different speakers and cables.  But what you get with the Freya+ is what's in the music, it doesn't add lushness or bass.  It is the most transparent, detailed resolving pre I've had.

So the new owner that is complaining of lushness, you never described the rest of your system, so no one can really help you beyond generalities.  The brand/model of amp and speakers would be a big help.  

Right now it could simply be your preferences that are giving you the false impression of lushness.  Perhaps your old pre(we have no idea how recent your Freya acquisition is) was so sterile that the Freya is lush by comparison.  Or your speakers are too warm, or your amp, giving the impression of lushness.

At this point, there are simply too many variables to help you more than just in generalities.

This goes for needlebrush as well.  Too bassy?  The Freya does not add bass.  Perhaps its just outperforming your previous pre to such an extent that the bass is now noticeable.  Perhaps the Freya has a hotter signal than your old pre.  Just too many variables to offer any help.  Buying another pre may be just throwing money away when the next pre also has higher voltage output than whatever your old pre was.

213, I think you hit the nail on the proverbial head. I have over 600 hours listening to the Freya+ and could not agree more. In my case, the Freya+ exposed my lack of room treatments. Most of what I listen to is High Res from Qobuz and once I began to fully hear what was present in the material, it was easy to make needed corrections.
Not having compared the two sonically, I can't say. But if balanced operation is important to you, the Freya+ offers two balanced inputs as well as balanced output. There are other functional differences as well. So I would first compare the two functionally and aesthetically, and if you find no clear preference, then you can decide whether the Dialogue sounds 4x better than the Freya so as to justify the price difference.

IMO, much may depend on your listening preferences -- not just source material, but preferred sonic profile. The two preamps will sound different, but only you can say which you prefer. Both companies offer a test period allowing you to get at least a sense of this.