O10, no, not trite at all. See if this helps my point.
Had I never heard words to "Speak Low" then my feeling for any rendition would be based on the musical merits, other than what the title might suggest. But once I've heard the lyrics to any song then that hangs a context on it for me. That specific lyric suggest a subdued, intimate conversation. Your quoting those lyrics just reminded me for whatever of them I'd forgotten.
With that, Sonny and friends might have offered up a great number, except I was preconditioned for the mood simply based on knowing something of the words. So I found his tempo out of sorts, being too fast it was not intimate at all.
The tempo can be a major element within the number of things that make up an individual interpretation and his version simply didn't mesh for me. To further my point of my perception I offered another example. For me, solid blues with a lyric of lament is best taken at a slow pace and I picked that Albert King rendition to demonstrate.
You may see it differently but I hope that helps explain my view.