Preamp suggestions, yes again

I know these types of topics come up very often but here's another.

I'm looking for a preamp for my system. I currently use an Onkyo TX-SR705 as a pre. I have Klipsch RP-600M bookshelf speakers fed by a diy First Watt Aleph J amp. 

I'm looking at the Odysey Candela and the Van Alstine Vision SLR to start. I'd like to stay around this price point or lower.

I do not need phono but a remote is a must have. Obviously I'm open to ss or tubes. Thoughts on the two in considering? Other suggestions? 
Appreciate all the good preamp discussion, suggestions and recommendations. I added the Quicksliver to my list of potentials. I have some more brain debating to do but Im leaning towards the Van Alstine right now. Always open to any additional thoughts.
Those Klipsch speakers are very high efficiency at 96 db.  I would avoid the Odyssey Candela as there have been several problems with people getting ground loop hum/buzz on this setup.  With a high efficiency speaker, the amount of background buzz is even higher and will cause listening fatigue and noise in the music.

Look for something that has a very clean/quiet background. 

Are you thinking the AVA non-tube "SLR" all solid state version to pair up with your Aleph?

In other words, what's driving you to the SLR vs AVA FET Valve or QS preamp (2nd hand) with tubes you could fine tube-tune later... kinda stuck with all SS.  Is it the the hi/low filters or low gain buttons on the SLR version...