"Total cost of drivers is $1300. Cost of speakers is $3500. So how much is he actually making? Can anybody answer that without insulting me?"
Yes. Not making much.
Only brave souls with extra savings $ need try to build and sell quality "value" speakers for public consumers in a boutique setting. It takes a very special person to do this long term for the audio community.
>>Respect to those who do it well and stay in business<<. Go Fritz!
"Total cost of drivers is $1300. Cost of speakers is $3500. So how much is he actually making? Can anybody answer that without insulting me?"
Yes. Not making much.
- Drivers are part of the cost equation, not the total cost.
- Missing overall R&D research time on a build. For some it's years.
- Missing the crossover design, parts for the "right" design.
- Missing the labor time to build and test the crossovers.
- Missing the cabinet R&D time and labor cost to design it right.
- Missing the wood and veneer materials costs and storage costs.
- Missing LABOR time to cut/assemble/build the pair of cabinets.
- Missing the time to lay up veneer or other cosmetics for cabinets.
- Missing the time to fix or redo something on the finish, it happens.
- Missing stock of internal wiring, terminals, solder, costs, etc.
- Missing wiring, terminals, soldering time for assembly of speakers
- Missing costs of a facility to build and store materials, speakers
- Missing costs of boxes, fillers, packaging materials and storage.
- Missing the costs of electricity, cooling/heating of a facility.
- Missing costs of tools, saws, blades, machinery, maintenance $
- Missing shared property tax costs if you own the facility and land.
- Missing time and labor $ for packing and shipping costs $.
- Demos cost $. All sunk cost $. Who absorbs these return costs...
- [Add] glue, and several things probably missed here, $
- Missing the time-cost $ answering everyone's questions for FREE.
- Time is $. Remember boutique builders, where respect is due.
Only brave souls with extra savings $ need try to build and sell quality "value" speakers for public consumers in a boutique setting. It takes a very special person to do this long term for the audio community.
>>Respect to those who do it well and stay in business<<. Go Fritz!