Audiophile demographics?

Why are there a disproportional number of male audiophiles?
Not sure if this is a silly question, but speaking for myself, I have never met a female audiophile.
I am sure they exist, but their scarcity begs the question as to why.
Is it merely that men have more of the "mine is bigger than yours" mentality, do men love gadgets and tools or is it something more sinister?
drblarney1:  Yes, I agree, mostly.  We inherit things genetically, but mostly physical attributes.  We also inherit socially, from those we are around.  We rarely learn behaviors, and especially not identities,  on out own.  Even kids who are mistreated still learn to be like their tormentors.  
Applying stereotypes to audiophiles based on sex may be problematic. What is the percentage of males who are audiophiles?  Likely less than 1% of total male population. The vast majority of men don't get it any more than the women.  I suspect nurture has a lot more to do with it than nature. Its likely the vast majority of audiophiles became audiophiles because of exposure to other male's audio systems, guys hanging around with guys at impressionable age.

It follows far fewer women are audiophiles due to less exposure to women with high end systems. Chances are women only hear high end systems owned by men, figure its a man thing.

Culture is defined mostly by followers.
tony1954:  You ask, "What are the built in things" that attract guys.  I could be wrong.  It could all be socialization, but some guys do seem to be innately attracted to girl parts.  Of course, it is impossible to do double blind studies to prove whether this attraction is genetically inherited, or socially learned.  Not so with audio!  We guys really do like our mechanical and electronic toys, many just to show off to seem more attractive, but for me, I really have deeply liked my stereo, sports cars, sport bikes, and SeaDoo's; althought it never hurt that these things attracted friends over, many with special benefits that they never shared with other guys.  Girls are taught too much that clothes and makeup (Ugh!) attract guys.  They constantly see it in the media, in stores, and from mentor/idols.  Many have little time to just while away at hobbies.   

Thanks. I'm just a tad younger but was an early Zeppelin fan from 69 when their 1st album came out. Same with Sabbath. These along with Iron Butterfly, Grand Funk, and other hard rock groups were staples of my music diet. My experience is that many men don't like metal,. much less, women. I found one woman who did out of all the people I've known. So it is unbelievable that the majority of women now like metal. I'll call BS on that. Now I'm sure the times are changing. And I'm glad to meet the female audiophiles and metal head bangers. But that doesn't change the fact that they are the exception, not the rule.
This is where stereotypes come in. They exist to make conversation easier, especially on subjective issues. They are general rules but not hard and fast. Of course there are exceptions. And there are nuances within the exceptions. But this is for academia, with pages of minutia not BB conversations. I suspect it is also generational wherein the younger have somehow learned that stereotypes are wrong instead of being exceptions. I've noticed my son often points out the exceptions as if they are the rule. IMO, the problem with this lack of exception and nuance is that it often leads to confusion and then division and is counterproductive. A'gon has been going down this path for a few yrs now which is why I and many don't post here as much as I did the earlier 20 yrs of being here. I suspect it has a large part to do with the total division of our country now too.
BTW, you made an interesting comment about listening. My own wife listens with me. She generally lays with one ear on the pillow and hearing with the other. She is satisfied. She says she is listening but I notice her asleep a lot. 

"And I am very friendly with many women. But you can watch them glaze over when you put some Captain Beefheart on the turntable."

If you are playing Captain Beefheart for a woman, then I understand why you are merely "friendly". Perhaps you should try Marvin Gaye next time.