The general use of overly broad statements makes the OP's thesis unassailable, not because it rely on hard facts and small, logical inferential steps from them, but instead paints a broad picture of linear amplifier snobbery. Pure opinion, and even accuses some vague group of writers as being intentionally misleading without evidence.
You literally can't argue a point when it is this vague.
Not the first time the author has done so either:
And this real beauty here:
Though I do have to give the OP credit, if it wasn't for his 2017 meritless bashing of Class D I would have never thought to start so many pro Class D discussions on here. He gave me the pointer I need to establish my brand.
You literally can't argue a point when it is this vague.
Not the first time the author has done so either:
And this real beauty here:
Though I do have to give the OP credit, if it wasn't for his 2017 meritless bashing of Class D I would have never thought to start so many pro Class D discussions on here. He gave me the pointer I need to establish my brand.