Benjamin would say, "One might subsume the eliminated element in the term “aura” and go on to say: that which withers in the age of mechanical reproduction is the aura of the work of art. This is a symptomatic process whose significance points beyond the realm of art. One might generalize by saying: the technique of reproduction detaches the reproduced object from the domain of tradition. By making many reproductions it substitutes a plurality of copies for a unique existence. And in permitting the reproduction to meet the beholder or listener in his own particular situation, it reactivates the object reproduced."
Very good....
Benjamin knows very well that the participation to the cosmos through our Soul/body was the root of the prophetical corrective action of the art on the society.... This therapeutical sacred fonction was dying with the complete technologisation of the world....
How to spare the function of the artist in the A. I. world?
The truth is any technological progress that is too rapid in relation to social evolution and metabolic capacity will de destructive... In particular in our immature social order now on the planet...Because the technological progress will be seize for more power by a small very small minority... Art become a commodity in this world and the artist is only a piece on the vast mechanical social conditioning...
The difference between A.I. and human intelligence is that A. I. dominate the universe by transforming it like a material to his own criteria and exigences...A.I. dont understand and cannot nor want to understand the cosmos but transform it for his own sake, like in Star Trek the impossible to stop Borg civilization...
Human intelligence is connected to the root of all living intelligence, from bacteria to angelic realms, that make all across the universe only ONE intelligence that try to understand and respect each other without reducing a living consciousness to be a "thing" or a "material" for other work....
Digital is not unhuman tough and vinyl more human...It is music that play the first and last part, and music need sound but is not reducible to sound...Nor to his sound vehicle...
Some music created works transport more human and divine content than others....Then it is not so much the format vehicle which is destructive but the orientation of the creativity of the artist and of the society in this future totalitarian technocracy ...
Nowadays the artist has always this choice: reconnecting the soul to the cosmos or creating a sterile virtual hedonistic bubble... the artist duty is more to reconnect man to the living cosmos than to only the old tradition... The stake is eternity and no more only the survival of any tradition....It is the last hours, we are all saved together or all lost ... We wait like Benjamin to the messiah but a totally new one and a different one in each of us....In this multiplicity only we will be able to be one....
Too much words.... I sense the despair of some....