Speakers alone make no sound. Complete systems do. Need to examine the complete system before any meaningful comparison can be made.
My understanding is MC prefers high efficiency speakers because they tend to be easier to drive and will work well with most any amp. There is truth to that. However high efficiency speakers also tend to be large and often expensive. Also bulky and more than many would prefer to have to deal with. That’s why the trend is towards smaller speakers that are necessarily lower efficiency if also extended in the bass. Amp choices for best possible performance are still plentiful but more limited. Many tube amps need not apply.
MC is also a Tekton fan. Tekton does tend to offer larger speakers that are more efficient than most but not as efficient as true "high efficiency" speakers like Klipsch, Avantgarde, Volti, Classic Audio Design, and others. Notice most of those are also large and apply horn/waveguide technology to deliver true high efficiency in something some might want in their homes. Tekton offers good value compared to many for large more efficient than most speakers.
So high efficiency alone can be a good thing but like always no one approach has all the advantages that all will care about most.
Also I gather MCs mindset is real men like large manly speakers that may not be very pretty whereas you are perhaps a bit of a w-ss if you care about aesthetics and how they look in your house. That’s for the wife to care about and the real men to ignore.
At least that is my understanding of how MC thinks, FWIW.
My understanding is MC prefers high efficiency speakers because they tend to be easier to drive and will work well with most any amp. There is truth to that. However high efficiency speakers also tend to be large and often expensive. Also bulky and more than many would prefer to have to deal with. That’s why the trend is towards smaller speakers that are necessarily lower efficiency if also extended in the bass. Amp choices for best possible performance are still plentiful but more limited. Many tube amps need not apply.
MC is also a Tekton fan. Tekton does tend to offer larger speakers that are more efficient than most but not as efficient as true "high efficiency" speakers like Klipsch, Avantgarde, Volti, Classic Audio Design, and others. Notice most of those are also large and apply horn/waveguide technology to deliver true high efficiency in something some might want in their homes. Tekton offers good value compared to many for large more efficient than most speakers.
So high efficiency alone can be a good thing but like always no one approach has all the advantages that all will care about most.
Also I gather MCs mindset is real men like large manly speakers that may not be very pretty whereas you are perhaps a bit of a w-ss if you care about aesthetics and how they look in your house. That’s for the wife to care about and the real men to ignore.
At least that is my understanding of how MC thinks, FWIW.