Overall, my experience was initial enthusiasm followed by slowly diminishing positive results. In the end, another failed tweak. Still, I can imagine sr’s could be a positive in some systems and rooms, not a bad tweak by any means.I can say the samething with my S.G.
I correct that by putting on them for a more balanced effect my "golden plate" (shungite plate+copper tape on the external side) + an Herkimer Diamond...
The effect is more natural with that than without.... Then what you experienced dont surprize me at all...
S.G. dont work at all on the noise floor of the house/room/ and gear...
But the unambiguous perception the audible effects of the S.G. ask for a minimally not too high noise floor... It is the reason why many people did not hear any audible effects.... The noise floor of a house filled with appliances, and in an acoustically untreated room with gear with no mechanical vibrations controls means nothing coul be perceived of this subtle but very real effect....