Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?

Schumann Resonators are little boxes you plug into the wall that produce electromagnetic radiation tuned to 7.83 Hz. This is the frequency that the earth/atmosphere system “rings” at when the Earth is struck by lightning. It is also a common frequency your brain “ticks” at.

When employed in the listening room, many people claim it makes their audio sound better. If this is true, then what is the mechanism of action?

-Is it a matter of the resonator producing a more relaxed mental state?
-Does it help block or alter electromagnetic interference?
-Does it add its own electromagnetic interference to your system that just so happens to be pleasing?

I experimented with one recently and what I noticed is that it seemed to remove some of the high frequency nasties or what some might call “digital glare” (although digital glare can also show up in analog systems). When I made this observation, the resonator was placed right next to my power strip that my CD player, preamp and some other devices are plugged into.

My “proof” of the effect is that I could turn the volume up louder than usual without it sounding “too loud.” The sound levels of the system weren’t any quieter, it’s just that the digital glare was reduced so that I could go louder before thinking “this is too loud,” which usually isn’t a sound level thing per se but the point as which some frequency (often the highs) become irritating.

So who here has experience with these devices? Do you like them? Does anyone know why they work?
A source manufacturers in a country other than china?

At very higher cost yes....Check amazon .... or internet....

But i only buy cheap..... Sorry.....
I bit. Four cheap ones are coming to try out and if they fail in audio but make my wife sleep better it's still a win. I have a high confidence level though, based only on those who have actually heard them in use. Perhaps the $45 total delivered cost is chump change; no worries on my end.
I've just received a second SG in the mail, a third on the way. Right now listening to a second system, one SG near the NAD amp, closer to the left speaker than the right, the other SG near me.

Will try them next in the main system, one between and behind the speakers, 6' high, the other near the electronics (pretty much equidistant to the amps, ADC power conditioner, turntable, and DAC). When the third one gets here, it will be at my listening sofa.

Where do you place yours? How much have you experimented, and what kind of differences have you noticed?
Has anyone noticed that the Schumann "fundamental" is approx. 7.83 Hz, but the "harmonics" are not harmonics of 7.83, but instead are harmonics of 6.5 Hz?  Anyone know the reason for that?