Am I crazy? Definitely!

Hi All, my system is Rega RP6 with Exact cart> McIntosh MA5200> Sonus Faber Auditor M / Tannoy Precision 6.2LE / B&W Cdm7Se and REL Strata III. I have a Denon 3910 mainly for listening to SACDs from time to time. Have upgraded power cables and XLO and Van Den Hull ICs. 
2 questions. Firstly, I am thinking of buying some Klipsch Heresy gen 1. All original. This would be for cranking all my Rock vinyl as none of the other speakers are really great at rock.  
Secondly, I am thinking why don’t I just sell my speakers and get something that can do everything ( mainly listen to jazz, blues, prog, rock) and instead of rotating speakers in and out ( which I really enjoy) I can just be lazy and go with one set.  Maybe Focal Kanta? Or something like that. About 10k hopefully used. 
I’m quite attached to the RP6 and the Mc ( for now) so not interested in applying my upgraditis in this area. 
Would appreciate your thoughts and ideas on both of these points. 

I’ve had  Kanta 3s for about 6 months now and have no regrets. I have 4 Rel s510 subs handling the low end but the Kantas do pretty good on their own too. Good luck in your search! 

"2 questions"

Except for the title of your original post, you posted only one question ("Maybe Focal Kanta?") Is there another question?

mapman gave you the hint of what to beware of. You might have not caught a friendly advice hidden in it. Instead, you called it useless. It seems to have been waste of his time, indeed.

Good luck with your proper listening on an Internet thread.

I’m glad to hear that OP will be doing proper diligence not just listening to whoever shills the loudest so my post  wasn’t useless at least to me.
Clearthinker, I think you can take it a few steps farther but I will try to keep it polite. The Tektons are made with cheap low quality drivers. The only reason they are popular is that they are relatively inexpensive. They do go very loud at their price point. There are much superior sounding loudspeakers at their price point. The LS3 5A as an example is a  more accurate speaker with superior imaging. If you want loud, Klipsch Cornwalls will exceed the Moabs by any parameter you care to mention.
Moabs are just a big, loud, speaker that people like millercarbon can afford. So, I suppose it serves a purpose. Millercarbon just has to learn that people do not care to sleep in his bed.