Sellers: When do you drop your price?

Selling my first piece of gear.  I've had a lot of views but no offers. It's been about 5 days. Great condition, 2 years old, offering about about 1/3rd off. No original box.

Perhaps all gear is particular, so if that's so, we can end this thread right here. But in case there's a general bit of advice, How long do you let an ad marinate before adjusting the price?
I think your condition rating is too high (9 for a two owner piece) and your asking price is too high (by about $200) for a two owner piece with no box.

Just my opinion. Good luck with your sale.
There are people out there who want something unique.

Why limit you customer base. I would get it on eBay and Canadian sites.

MANY people don't know about or check 'audiophile' sites.

+1, @jperry. 
Lot of people are reluctant to buy electronics without original box. Buy a box from FedEx with packaging material that allows good protection and post pictures on your ad to increase your prospects. 
1. You bought it used so it sure didn’t cost you the list price
2. No original boxes
3. Not a household name in this country
4.That model came out in 2014
I hate to burst your bubble but you will be lucky if you get half of the list price!
But good luck with the sale!

Yogiboy -- good points. You're definitely not bursting my bubble. I'm starting at a higher price point because I think it's really a diamond in the rough. Those dual mono power supplies are pretty rare, and the company is kind of boutique-y but with a solid reputation. I will lower the price if it lags.

Thanks lalitk for the advice about the box.

Thanks elliot, I'll consider getting it further out there. And brightening the photos.

Thanks, jperry -- I especially don't want to mislead with the rating. Cosmetically and functionally it's in very close to perfect shape so that is why 8 seemed too low, but you make a good argument. Will probably adjust as you say.