Amp Pairing for B&W 606

Hi all, 
Recently bought my first speakers, a pair of B&W 606 S2s. Excited to complete my first ever set up! I started an earlier thread a couple weeks ago that's died down but the replies were super helpful and helped me tremendously. I'm looking to narrow down my choices on amp - I'd be using a bluesound node to stream for all the choices except the marantz which includes streaming. Also I'd be connecting my tv via optical (bummer the rotel a11 doesn't have an optical input)

In no particular order:
Arcam sa10 $799
Marantz pm7007 $1k
Yamaha S501 $550
Rotel a12 $1k new, open box "satisfactory" @ BB for $540

Thoughts? And, thank you very much to everyone for being so helpful! 
Thanks - good to know you’ve been happy with the Marantz. 

The Music Fidelity looks great! Although it’s a little over my $1k budget (sorry should have mentioned) 

Anyone else have thoughts on the models I mentioned? Thanks! 
Avantone  CLA-200. 
  Looks and great sound. Made just for studio monitors. 
  Headroom, and a great amp.

  Under your max price.   I’m ordering one in a couple weeks for a backup. 
If going with the Yamaha I would purchase the 701 or the 801, depending on the need for USB input.  Both have the same 100wpc amplifier and the extra power would prove beneficial with your speakers. 
Thanks - unfortunately the Avatone CLA-200 does not have any digital inputs so it wouldn't be able to connect to the TV. 

WIth the Yamaha - I know the 701/801 have more power than the 501 however being in an apartment I can't really crank it to 11 lol.
"...The Music Fidelity looks great! Although it’s a little over my $1k budget (sorry should have mentioned)..."

Spend the extra money, it will move you up a step.