The Worst Room...

Who has the worst room/space for their system(s)? Mine are far from ideal. How about yours?
I have 6 rooms covered by 4 systems and 8 pair of speakers (one spare pair).

My best room is my moderately large L shaped room. Not just any speakers work well there but the Ohm Walshes in there were hand picked for it.

One is a big open unfinished area in the basement. Forget about the room acoustics. It is what it is and only used on occasion. My old personally refurbed Ohm Ls do duty in there mostly during table tennis matches.

Another is a big open family room/kitchen area. Again Ohm Walsh to the rescue.

Then 2 12x12s. One with Kef ls50 metas and sub is not bad. Not the best but not bad. The KEFs are superb in there. The other my wife’s 12x12 acoustically challenged sunroom. Vanatoo Transparent One Encores are as much speaker as that room can handle.

My newest is the screened in outdoor porch with vaulted roof and wall mounted Polk Atrium 8 s. Only a few listens so far but prettty good. A very unique room acoustically. The Polks are outdoor speakers and have a little extra in the bass which comes in handy outdoors where there is no bass reinforcement from room acoustics.

The Ohm Walsh appear to be a great solution for this issue. I’ve read many of your posts over the years regarding these speakers. Once a used set becomes available in a location somewhat near here....
 My room is by far my weakest link, but I really don't have much in the way of options. Drives me a bit crazy knowing there is so much more potential, but until those dopes learn how to pick Lotto numbers better it is what I have.