The Worst Room...

Who has the worst room/space for their system(s)? Mine are far from ideal. How about yours?

The Ohm Walsh appear to be a great solution for this issue. I’ve read many of your posts over the years regarding these speakers. Once a used set becomes available in a location somewhat near here....
 My room is by far my weakest link, but I really don't have much in the way of options. Drives me a bit crazy knowing there is so much more potential, but until those dopes learn how to pick Lotto numbers better it is what I have.
My room is actually very good. 15.5 x 26 and is a dedicated space. Only used for listening to music. And yes, I do feel fortunate to have this space and credit my wife for being very understanding while house shopping 15 years ago.

IMHO, the worst room is usually an open floor plan with very  high ceilings. Our living room is an example of that and I gave up trying to get anything to sound good in there.
