I had a few drinks and bought some speakers

Last night as I was polishing off a few of Texas' finest Balcones Bourbon, I purchased a used pair of Focal Sopra 2's. I current own the Electra 1028's. Can anyone give me some opinions or thoughts of the speaker decision? These have been my end all be all speakers, but I have concerns my room might be a little small being 13x8. Any info is appreciated!
My entire system was purchased while under the influence. It’s no fun being a drunk with a hifi problem. 
TBH, Sopra 1s might have been  better for your room size, but if you like your bass response set to 11, you will have no regrets.  Both are among my favorites.  Enjoy, but keep an eye on your liver function...
@rooze that's the only way to do it. That must be how you got your username. And freaking nice system. I love my P10!
now all you need is a transport, DAC, preamp and power amp to go along with them!  Have fun.